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The end of IJU, the rise of Kalsabyss, and the start of JTE

13.4k ian1547  8.7 years ago

If you haven't head about IJU then ignore all this, but anyway its my fictional nation. IJU was slowly decaying. War debts from The War of Three Nations and payments to Hiewens, a neighboring country, were the main source to the decay. IJU payed Hiewens in weapons and vehicles so they could also have a military. Sadly Hiewens did not have enough man power to control all of this so a secret militant organization rose up and sweeper through Hiewens and took over which got into the loss of trillions to 8 amount of $. During this time, Ian, the leader of IJU also left the nation to head off to a more peaceful place called Oakshia. There he could live normally and study his favorite hobbies. Those were engineering and design. Once he left, he put Larry Cast an into power. Years later the militant finally attacked IJU. With this everyone knew of this organization. They were called Kalsabyss. They ruined IJU even more and even more until IJU barely could stand. Once Ian and the other nations heard of this, these nations protected their borders stronger and Ian started up a new organization of his own after he finished his stuff work and called his organization the Joesph Technology Enterprise (JTE). His main base was in the heart of Oakshia and soon spreading throughout. A motto also started: "Fight for the better not the right." Meaning to fight for what was going to be better than doing only the right thing. Kalsabyss later heard of this new organization and declared a war. JTE accepted and so the war began. Countries around started to devote their resources to whoever and others stayed neutral. PilotMario Army and the also decaying HR Inc. but embargo's on both the groups homeland. To be said the start of a new war. Stay tubed on my profile for crazy new creations from the Kalsabyss and JTE. A JTE airplane came out right after this so check that out as well.

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    13.4k ian1547

    @Pilotmario maybe

    8.7 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @ian1547 New Pummeler Mk 2 can go for P$57,000. The Mk 4 with 4 30mm Mk 8 cannon will set you back an additional P$8,000. I or @PINK can supply you with Mk 8 ammunition, for I have granted him production of the Mk 8/9 cannon, which share ammunition. A Provider transport will set you back P$77,000.

    A K-18 assault rifle with three magazines and cleaning kit will cost about P$355. The PAF has so much surplus 5.56 Pilotmario you could buy them at about P$5 for 2,500 rounds of ball ammunition. A K-26/Mk 2 heavy machine gun will set you back P$950. You can buy 20 50-round belts for P$800. These belts can be linked together to form longer belts in 50 round increments as necessary.

    These aren't exactly expensive weapons in relative terms. The Pummeler is one of the cheapest warplanes available. A Victoria IV MBT will set you back P$5.5 million per unit. The 120mm coilgun ammunition for the gun costs about P$120,000 a pop. A Hummingbird jet will set you back P$950k per unit. A Viper jet will set you back P$3.1 million per unit.

    Yes, war is expensive. But if you want a chance at beating them, then these weapons are the ones which you will need to win. The Pummeler is one of the most common warplanes in the world. Pilotmario military operations globally often encounter Pummelers operated by hostile forces. Think of the AK-47, except for planes. Surplus Pummelers can be purchased for as low as P$1,000.

    8.7 years ago
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    13.4k ian1547

    @Pilotmario @PINK I could buy it but 1. JTE just started and well they gotta get a little bigger in $.
    2. Ian would like to keep any and all other countries out of this war because well it is their war and a secret of Kalsabyss still lingers. I never mentioned the name of the leader of the Kalsabyss hint.

    8.7 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario


    We're actually selling weapons. At least PDI, Bandit Industrial Group, and Lee & North LLC are. Not the Pilotmario government though. @PINK

    8.7 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    We were being sarcastic.....😐@Pilotmario

    8.7 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    Bruh, our weapons are brand new! We don't have any recycled junk lying around. We've got Maverick jets, brand new, still in the crates. @PINK

    8.7 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    We also have some stuff lying around too. @Pilotmario

    8.7 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    We have weapons for sale. How many and what kind would you like?

    8.7 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    Well, the Olympians were overthrown by the Hellenics, we made peace with the Republuc of Hellas, and now are locked in what appears to be an invasion by the Teutons. It seems they don't like the Pilotmarians, seeing that we are the most powerful force in Paternia. And the Teutons want ALL of Paternia. @ian1547

    8.7 years ago
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    13.4k ian1547

    @PINK well a war between HR Inc., IJU, PilotMario Army, and Olympian Army happened before this story. Many of my aircraft starting with IJU usually have @Pilotmario in it

    8.7 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    The NFK is very interested in how this may involve Pilotmario? @ian1547

    8.7 years ago
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    13.4k ian1547

    @Upquark @Pilotmario if you don't wanna read it then the main thing about it is IJU is now JTE and is in was with a new organization

    8.7 years ago