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Checking in.... again...

1,254 PFCWesty155  8.6 years ago

Hey, guys I'm back. in less than a year I'll be signing those enlistment papers. going to be in infantry. So hope you guys are doing well. and please, for those of you who are immature, stop blowing up the notifications with rage plase thank you.

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    8,432 TehNewDucky

    @PFCWesty155 Casually and awkwardly waltzes off this forum post

    8.6 years ago
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    1,254 PFCWesty155

    @Thefalloutplayr Though there are not any wars, there are still skrimishes, since terrorist groups are not an actual uniformed army, they can't have war declared upon them specifically. the War on Terror isn't a war either, it is a term to describe the situation in the middle east and northern Africa. So you are correct but theres still fighting.

    8.6 years ago
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    1,254 PFCWesty155

    @TehNewDucky the one comment you made, "Watch your back. Sometimes there might be bullets in it.", was really not nessecary. I'm not offended easily, nor does it offend me, but come on man. That's pretty dark.

    8.6 years ago
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    1,254 PFCWesty155

    I thank everyone for commenting! I tend not to be on the internet much, and since final exams are done, I can focus more on cardeo activities, speaking I live in the New England region so summer is about the only time to get sun without getting frostbite. I do talk and know combat veterans personally, one of which was a Staff Sergeant in the U.S.M.C. which is the branch I'm going into. And I do know my things when it comes to what to and not to do. I also made it into the Criminal Justice program which basically is police schooling for high school students. but again, I appreciate everyone's input!

    8.6 years ago
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    8,432 TehNewDucky

    @Thefalloutplayr Do you really think, if I were to give advice, that it would be stupid advice? Cmon. I'm joking.

    8.6 years ago
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    We're not at war and won't be anytime soon@TehNewDucky

    8.6 years ago
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    8,432 TehNewDucky

    Watch your back. Sometimes there might be bullets in it.

    8.6 years ago
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    2,496 Bando89

    be safe!

    8.6 years ago
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    He hasn't searved his country YET once he gets deployed he deserves a salute by everyone @MasterManufacturingCo

    8.6 years ago
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    He's not a soldier yet@TemDesBur

    8.6 years ago
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    What ever you do NEVEr EVER vER EVERY giv out were your going and what unit you'll be going to you will get in SOOOO much trouble and may be kept out of the military...REMEMBER if you don't want to be shit on by your drill instructor/drill sergeant remember your a soldier once you complete AIT once you complete basic congrats you have the endurance of a soldier but until you finish AIT your NOT a soldier...if you want tips or questions go to YouTube and the channel: Drip46 tons of videos and will show you how to build SOME endurance before basic.. I suggest you binge watch the $h!t out of him... PS it isn't me soo don't think I'm advertising

    8.6 years ago
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    17.2k TemDesBur

    @PFCWesty155 I wish you luck, Soldier!

    8.6 years ago
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    1,254 PFCWesty155


    8.6 years ago