Hey I am relatively new to Warthunder, and recently got the first FW 190 and Bf 109.
Any tips on them or other German things. I am just going through the German Tree right now.
Calling All Warthunder players!
1,598 Astron1
8.7 years ago
Wish i could help, but im going down the british line, and havent done anything german really
@Astron1 roll until you are upside-down and pitch up (cause you are upside down), and gain speed, dont overdo it and your wings will fall off, once you gain speed pitch up again turn until you are behind them
@SkrillEclipse Cool, but what do I do about someone on my six? I can never seem to shake them off.
i am a War Thunder player! but mostly tanks
1.59 is coming out soon, are you going down the tanks? Get the Sturer Emil and the Raketenjagdpanzer II. Also go down the Me-262 line, they are great starter jets
Just use their cannons to your advantage and dont go one attacking hi-fliers because of your plane's weight because of your cannons you will stall easily, i got my own bf 109, I'm on warthunder too, i am SkrillEclipse there