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In case you didn't notice it already

26.3k BRuthless  8.4 years ago

The targeting is bugged since 1.4.

You often lock things outside of your boresight and sometimes even out of your field of view. The same happens the other way around, you have an enemy in range and in your boresight, but you can't lock him.

I've noticed this on the Inferno, the Interceptor and the Guardian (all guided weapons).

Also the range to target sometimes get's stuck and updates just several seconds later. For example: You close in on a Destroyer in Air to Ground mode, have him set as your primary target and the range is 4 miles, now you keep on closing in and it stays on 4 miles for several seconds, then updates to 3.4 miles.

Here are some screenshots showing one of the bugs:



I'm on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit by the way.

Jundroo, pls fix :)

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    8,104 LofiTurtle

    I'm on iOS, so I got sandbox AI this update but I know that the tasting worked fine in dogfight mode and such before the 1.4 update too @BRuthless

    8.4 years ago
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    26.3k BRuthless

    @Shmexysmpilot It was directly displaying the appropriate distance before the update though.

    8.4 years ago
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    8,104 LofiTurtle

    I've noticed these too. I think it just shows the distance from a fixed position and updated that position every few seconds

    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    These bugs piss me off. I still am thankful we have the Devs, get to work. Notes-When a plane goes over 1000mph on iOS, there is a 80% chance for the plane to start rolling in any direction.

    8.4 years ago
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    It happens to me.

    8.4 years ago
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    26.3k BRuthless

    @Brields95 Others have it aswell without the mod. It seems to be 100% reproducable in the base game. It basically happens several times in one fight.

    8.4 years ago
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    The bug happens when you get the fire and forget mod.

    8.4 years ago
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    46.7k JMicah4

    I was experencing this a minuite ago.

    8.4 years ago