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Early Bets #2

162k spefyjerbf  8.8 years ago

Early Bets is a list of players who deserve more recognition. Some of these players surpass my building skills.

This version of Early Bets contains all bronze players. Many of these players are still developing their building style, and will improve their quality drastically above the quality that they already have.

Shiosan, who is starting develop a great building style.
FetiYeti, whose last build was quite nice.
ChinoVe, whose first post impressed me.

Now this player, MarsBro, surpasses my building skills.

Here are a few builds that deserve a little more recognition.


Note that many of the players who are featured in Early bets show potential, and may not have gold level quality quite yet. If you think you, or another user should be featured in the next Early Bets post, comment on this forum post. Please do not take offense if I have not featured you in Early Bets.

For the link to the previous Early Bets, click here.