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Command and Conquer RolePlay : Death to Above pt.2

17.2k GoldenEagle  8.8 years ago

Death to Above pt.2
After the GLA African Batch successfully occupied Libya and north of Sudan, and they are ready to strike the African Union HQ in Algeria, but lucky for them, the US sent help to defend the borders of Algeria from any incoming GLA attack, but for the GLA they do not know this because of Mohmar Deathstrike's East Asian Batch fighting the American aided Japanese forces and Russian troops, after so many losses in eastern Algeria, the GLA went south to occupy some of the African Union Members. Meanwhile in Asia, the South-SouthEast Asian Batch of the GLA went to occupy the whole of Iran, Pakistan, Burma, Thailand, and Central-Asian Former Soviet States, but the invasion of Thailand planned to be secret but backfired when new started to spread about a "Terrorist Attack" in Thailand. The South-SouthEast Asian GLA Batch was in big trouble with American and Vietnamese forces... North of Asia, Deathstrike's batch was in big trouble with the 2-way war with Japan and Russia, but their 2-way becomes a 3-way war when a GLA soldier shot a N.F.K. border guard, thought they were Japanese, and suddenly the N.F.K. responded with an invasion force of 2 Million attacked the remaining GLA forces in the Vladivostok area. North of there, The US invaded Russia with their Alaskan Special Armor Units just to help Japan from the GLA and Russia... In Europe, not that much GLA activity just happened because of the war between the ECA and Russia, The ECA's plan was to encircle Moscow to let Russia surrender, but Russia invade a bit of Poland to start their conquest again to conquer Europe.

New Faction: Morocco, UN African Peacekeepers


How to join:
Simply comment what faction you want to be on and what specialty you want; (i.e. China - Infantry)
If you are the first to join a faction then you will be the primary boss general for that faction
Note: You will not have that much political power

USA (Blue)[UNAP]
Armored Corp: SkrillEclipse(primary general)
Airforce: AceOfSpade, flyingdj

China (Red)

GLA (Green)
Demolition: dzulfikar(primary general), Ambarveis
Toxin: Djbanana

ECA - European Continental Alliance (Yellow)[UNAP]
Airforce: Seabo14(primary general)
Defence: redbear89

Russia (Maroon/Dark Red) [NRS]
Ground Superiority: JakeTheDogg(primary general)

Japan (Orange)[UNAP]
Navy: polandball(primary general)
Airforce: TehNewDucky

African Union (Brown)
Airforce: DESTROX25(primary general)

Inheritors (Blue-green/Gray)
Technology: GoblinDynamics(primary general)
Spy Tech: ¡¡Explosions

N.F.K. (Silver/Black) [NRS]
Airforce: PINK(primary general)

UK (Gold)
Airforce: Tagger(primary general)

Saudi Arabia (Dark Green)[UNAP]

Australia (Dark Blue)[UNAP]
AirForce: jamesPLANESii(primary general)

Serbia (Maroon)[Russia]

Morocco (Violet) [UNAP]

Greenland (Yellow) [ECA]

UN African Peackeepers (Cyan) [UNAP]

(Comment down below what country you want to have here and what color)

Make your own units rather it is in-game or not, be real or fictional
No tech stealing (allowed to trade tech)
No unit copies
Stick on your specialty (if you want to change it, let me know)
Never backstab your allies (unless you have been oppressed and fell like you have been betrayed)
Alliances can only have 2 to 10 countries
No bad language (pls no)
And no taking other's creations and making them as yours (unless friendly trade)

Roleplay by SkrillEclipse(Me) and dzulfikar (Fellow Comrade)
If you guys want a kik chat, pls let me know...

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  • Profile image
    197 Alyx

    I wanna Be of USA-Air Force

    7.3 years ago
  • Profile image
    19.5k ACMECo1940 thai...

    8.7 years ago
  • Profile image
    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @flyingdj Link, and we signed a ceasefire with the Africans

    8.8 years ago
  • Profile image
    2,768 flyingdj


    8.8 years ago
  • Profile image
    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @flyingdj there is a new episode, go check it out, bseides awesome missile!

    8.8 years ago
  • Profile image
    2,768 flyingdj

    missile after the particle cannons were destroyed and the space elephants dominated space, US Airforce needed a almost global hitting missile---the EL-1 Long Range Ballistic Missile

    8.8 years ago
  • Profile image
    2,768 flyingdj
    8.8 years ago
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    1,716 HonestBoy625

    @SkrillEclipse well all of my 50 space elephants are now in orbit and its crew hijaked all of the particle uplink cannon satelites and planted c4s onto them and detonated it.No more threat from Particle cannons.I read the ion cannon of Commabd and conquer they also use sattlites

    8.8 years ago
  • Profile image
    2,768 flyingdj

    Escort@SkrillEclipse @DESTROX25

    8.8 years ago
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    1,261 Ambarveis


    A simple plane for roleplay purposes.

    8.8 years ago
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    2,768 flyingdj

    New plane@SkrillEclipse

    8.8 years ago
  • Profile image
    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @PINK k

    8.8 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Okay, with Russia @SkrillEclipse

    8.8 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @PINK I will make it as an alliance

    8.8 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @Tagger ok...

    8.8 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Then, the NRS was formed.@JakeTheDogg

    8.8 years ago
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    Air Force

    8.8 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @flyingdj this cannon

    8.8 years ago
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    1,716 HonestBoy625

    @SkrillEclipse man i hate that cannon

    8.8 years ago
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    2,768 flyingdj

    I cannot read them?@SkrillEclipse

    8.8 years ago
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    2,768 flyingdj

    Uhhh what particle cannon?@SkrillEclipse

    8.8 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @DESTROX25 i will put this in the next one: "After some files were uncovered by the former GLA General, Prince Kassad. The US launched two strikes of Particle Cannons, the first one was launched to Algeria and Western Sahara, the second one was launched to Eastern Siberia so that the US forces there push into Russia.."

    8.8 years ago
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    1,716 HonestBoy625

    @SkrillEclipse oh yeah, well still that info is too late we already changed the plan.

    8.8 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @DESTROX25 i said 'some' files not all

    8.8 years ago
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