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4,174 EDSAerospaceTech  8.8 years ago

Look I know its hard to get points and get to bronze,silver,gold or even platinum... I myself am also struggling a little too..BUT you see if you complain about not getting upvotes, that's not going to help in any way. You need to get building, put in effort and make your plane stand out from the rest this way you can and will get noticed. The others are also struggling to be noticed so if you want to get noticed or even featured, work hard at it and the rewards will come I am sute. The community is great and supportive and I hope you can be a part of us too. Who knows you might be as good as a walrus or even the next hypnotoad!So,GET BUILDING !

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    Just buld something it will be noticed.

    8.8 years ago
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    8,354 arcues

    @Temmie I agree

    8.8 years ago
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    2,985 Clawsome

    Who cares about upvotes

    8.8 years ago
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    Take it from me. I had a rough time, I'd get like 40 downloads and no upvotes.. Now I noticed big achievements and such got all the attention. Once I hit 10K I'm making a long speech, and you know.. Work hard... My work has been favored in eyes of many, and I'm glad to hold the title of one of the Industries.. @AlphaOneIndustries, @XVIindustries, @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries

    8.8 years ago
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    You said as good as a walrus! I approve this message

    8.8 years ago
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    Wow thanks for the encouragement

    8.8 years ago