Everyone assigned to the concept group, chat here
@VianAirIndustries oh ok
It's basically an idea that involves ingenuity @jpower
@VianAirIndustries I sound dumb but what's a concept
Discuss what concept your going to make and work together @jpower
what do we do now @VianAirIndustries
Ok,just Upvote to join check out th ACS stuff and choose your position @Tully2001
so what do we got first?@VianAirIndustries
What, ACS or this conversation @Tully2001
so... what do we do?
hello? @VianAirIndustries
@VianAirIndustries hey I'm a test pilot
@jpower @GreyghostCVN6 @MrBackstabby @beeack @Aviatorcleebo
@VianAirIndustries oh ok
It's basically an idea that involves ingenuity @jpower
@VianAirIndustries I sound dumb but what's a concept
Discuss what concept your going to make and work together @jpower
what do we do now @VianAirIndustries
Ok,just Upvote to join check out th ACS stuff and choose your position @Tully2001
so what do we got first?@VianAirIndustries
What, ACS or this conversation @Tully2001
so... what do we do?
@VianAirIndustries hey I'm a test pilot
@jpower @GreyghostCVN6 @MrBackstabby @beeack @Aviatorcleebo