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SigmaTwelves Complete Guide to Driving

3,277 SigmaTwelve  8.8 years ago

Hello there! My name is SigmaTwelve, and I build cars. Today, I will be explaining how to drive cars in SimplePlanes.

The first, and most important rule, is to not floor it all the time. With an aircraft, this was commonplace, and sometimes even neccesary. But with cars and other land vehicles, this isn't so. In fact, if you floor it all the time, chances are you'll fly off the road into that hill over there and explode. No one wants that. So, when you enter a turn, decelerate a tad, and when you start to exit it, give your car some gas. Some places, in fact, most places are safe to gun it as fast as you can. Like airports and some strips of road between Bandit and Yeager. This indirectly leads to our next topic: off roading.

Any offroad travel is far riskier than paved road travel, and since you are traveling a lot off raids since there are no paved roads in the simple world, pay attention.
Off road travel usually is bumpy and has a lot of jumps. Here, it isn't safe to floor it. The faster you go, the more unstable you get. So do not open your throttle all the way, especially before jumps.
Before a jump, decrease your throttle a little bit, and completely cut the throttle when you're airborne. This makes your car far more stable upon landing, but whatever you do, DO NOT brake before you hit the ground. Wait for your vehicle to stop bouncing around, then it's safe to brake, or accelerate.

Another thing to watch out for is topheaviness. If your vehicle is too topheaviness, it will tip to the opposite direction you are turning, and it could roll over. Do not brake when your vehicle tips, you'll roll over and have either a broken or rolled over car, and those aren't fun to drive. Instead, if your vehicle starts to lean so bad the wheels on one side are coming off the ground, rather than braking, or accelerating, turn the way your vehicle is leaning, and cut the throttle until your vehicle stops bouncing on your suspension.

Some cars turn better than other cars. Some cars drift, some cars don't. A way to get your vehicle to turn better is to decrease the side traction on the back wheels, since these are the ones preventing your vehicle from turning. However, if you decrease the sideways traction to much, your vehicle will slip and slide everywhere and you'll go careening into that building over there and explode. There is a gala,nice to this; you can also increase the sideways traction on the front wheels to increase turning performance, but if you increase it too much, your car will tip over when you turn.

A tip for all you car builders out there: focus on rear wheel drive. Front wheel drive cars spin out far easier than RWD, a polar opposite of the real world. All wheel drive, or four wheel drive, is better alternative than front wheel drive, but in some cases is still easy to lose control of. I'm not an expert on these types of cars, the FWD or 4x4s, so I really don't have any tips for them, apart from the ones stated above.

I hope these tips help you, and feel free to leave your own or correct mine in the comments below! You've got yer license, get out there and tear up some earth!


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    375 BNKAB

    But how do i stop it from drifting in ai races for tournaments

    +1 7.2 years ago
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    375 BNKAB

    But how do i stop it from drifting in ai races for tournaments

    7.2 years ago
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    2,139 XMarcoX

    u didn't mention 8x8 and 8 wheel turning

    7.2 years ago
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    3,277 SigmaTwelve

    I would say pull down slightly, or like you said just let go. @LuKorp

    8.8 years ago
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    22.5k MoterKade

    S.T.O.P! Spin tires on pavement! That is all.

    +1 8.8 years ago