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About AI Traffic...

28.5k Dipper  8.8 years ago

I'm trying to make some AI traffic ready airplanes, then I had some questions through a tests, because I'm being struggled by its function...

1.Requirements for traffic airplane
As far as I know, there are 2 tests for traffic airplane. First test is part count. According to this official post, the airplane must be made of under 7 wings and 150 parts. Second test is flyability test. PhilipTarpley said the airplane will never spawn if failed. I can see yellow message "Aircraft is being marked as unflyable: (name)" in console.
The problem is first test. Some airplane which exactly keeps part limit will never spawn. For example, this airplane made of 7 wings and 120 parts will never spawn, while this, almost the same airplane made of 7 wings and 112 parts spawns.
I investigated many other possibilities, like structural panel, fuselage block, name, joints, file size... but I couldn't figure out.
Is there unknown requirements for traffic airplane? Is it a bug?

2.Airplane selection
PhilipTarpley said traffic airplane is selected at random, but I didn't think so, because I saw same airplanes many times, while some airplane rarely appears.
So I did a experiment. Restart in sandbox mode 80 times in "Dense" traffic setting, then see what airplanes are there by typing ">>fts"(short for ">>AircraftScripts" ), and recorded how many times these airplane appears. This is the result.

64 "SimpleAsymmetricAircraft"
34 "D Fighter"
34 "aiEscortBomber"
25 "DRP-3 Mosquito"
21 "Jet Example"
12 "designerTutorial1"
15 "Twin Prop"
4 "00 D Fighter 5"
4 "00 D Fighter 1"
5 "00 D Fighter 2"
3 "00 D Fighter 3"
7 "00 D Fighter 4"
5 "FastestDrone"
3 "aiEscortEnemy"
3 "designerTutorial2"
1 "Fastest

The airplane named "SimpleAsymmetricAircraft" appeared 64 times! It's clearly biased. "D Fighter" is here. Most of these airplane is not uploaded. 5 of "00 D Fighter" is clone and newer plane. It looks like new airplanes has less chance to be selected, so it's something like a bug maybe.

3.Wing Limit
We can use 7 wings, but I think it's too much low. even P-51 mustang has 9 wings, and they will never spawn! In addition, some real airplanes, especially airplanes with canard, has more than 7 wings. If wing limit is 9, more airplanes will have chance to spawn.

4.Sample Airplanes
They uses too many wings, and should be recreated for AI Traffic. I think most of them were made before Structural Panel.

I like AI Traffic feature in SimplePlanes, and I really want these problems to be fixed...

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    Yeah the only aircraft that spawn are a four engined bomber that I don’t even have and my Stardust Mark I and XI, two clones but one has a tank cannon. Where is a i r l I n e r s to s h o o t

    3.4 years ago
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    I'm the tank aiming mod (go check it out) for AA so I set air traffic to high which spawn some tanks I had made that also included this tank aiming block and and it bugged out tank aim on my won vehicle, causing the turret to spin I way it was never intended and it blew up. I also have some aircraft that are a pain to shoot down and the spawn all the dang time. I have easily +50 aircraft and SP has chosen 4. I've noticed that newer vehicles get spawned slightly more and this includes recently modified vehicles.

    4.3 years ago
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    1,841 StormstarHTF

    Again... I found my automatically spawned supersonic Mantis 880 flying.

    8.5 years ago
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    1,841 StormstarHTF

    @GoldenEagle But... it is automatically spawned.

    8.5 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @StormstarHTF nice!

    8.5 years ago
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    1,841 StormstarHTF

    @GoldenEagle I even found my edited Tutorialplanes(Old planes) flying around!

    8.5 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @StormstarHTF I now have WW1 planes that I built flying around randomly

    8.5 years ago
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    1,841 StormstarHTF

    @GoldenEagle Oh yeah. You can spawn, but some of them spawn automatically.

    8.5 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @StormstarHTF same... but i have it fixed I can spawn a ton of vareity of planes

    8.5 years ago
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    1,841 StormstarHTF

    @GoldenEagle Me too. I even found one of my Blue Angels and Red Dodos flying after I edit the Enemy.

    8.5 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    My only problem is: only ONE series of planes that i can see flying, my Cougar planes, and others are not there, and some of my planes are under that requirement

    8.8 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    Yeah, I know what you mean by the spawns not being random. I thought it was just an iOS issue but 75% of the planes that spawn are the twin prop, and i don't have a lot but I know I have at least 3 or 4 other planes that have spawned before

    +1 8.8 years ago
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    28.5k Dipper

    @AndrewGarrison, @PhilipTarpley

    8.8 years ago