My Dassault Mirage III probably has the coolest looking stunts out there. Just check out this video ??
@PINK but he didn't...
Umm, that dued was only doing Mach 1.7 and, he most lik died.@Johndfg
@PINK who needs good flight when you have a fighter that flies at Mach 3 and can spin like a fan???
In fact, yes. @Johndfg
@PINK but it's good at... Evasive maneuvers?
We cannot. I have made planes like it, but they never are that jerky. @Johndfg
@PINK just put a gyroscope on it like all the other jerky planes :/
That plane flies like shall be banned in the entirety of the NRS. @Johndfg
@PINK there aren't many toasters that fly worse than this baby
That is a flying toaster, a good looking one, but it handles like a drunken sailor.
@Liquidfox lol
@BaconAircrafts haha naw... Anyone with that much skilz can survive anything
RIP that pilot, i'd be surprised if he comes out in one piece rather than a blob of human jello.
@PINK but he didn't...
Umm, that dued was only doing Mach 1.7 and, he most lik died.@Johndfg
@PINK who needs good flight when you have a fighter that flies at Mach 3 and can spin like a fan???
In fact, yes. @Johndfg
@PINK but it's good at... Evasive maneuvers?
We cannot. I have made planes like it, but they never are that jerky. @Johndfg
@PINK just put a gyroscope on it like all the other jerky planes :/
That plane flies like shall be banned in the entirety of the NRS. @Johndfg
@PINK there aren't many toasters that fly worse than this baby
That is a flying toaster, a good looking one, but it handles like a drunken sailor.
@Liquidfox lol
@BaconAircrafts haha naw... Anyone with that much skilz can survive anything
RIP that pilot, i'd be surprised if he comes out in one piece rather than a blob of human jello.