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1,017 jpower  8.8 years ago

when I first started this game I thought my planes would be in the shadows of the pros. I was wrong. people noticed my creations and loved them. here they are. thanks to everyone.

t57 hawx vtol (self proclaimed first real jet): 2 downloads

experimental vtol jumbo jet: 8 downloads

TP assault jet (first assault craft series jet): 3 downloads

x4 assault jet: 2 downloads

prototype assault craft (people notice assault series now): 13 downloads

X5 assault jet: 14 downloads

AC Elephant assault craft: 3 downloads

superior assault jet: 9 downloads

thank you jet :( :nothing

stealth assault craft ( best looking jet): 16 downloads

bolt model T17 (first car): 4 downloads

jumbo thrust assault craft: 14 downloads

Vtol assault jet (all mah fans wanted this): 29 DOWNLOADS

air jpower (first passenger craft): 17 downloads

powerbus air: 8 downloads

fortress assault craft (biggest most powerful assault craft to date) 30 DOWNLOADS

thank you all for this :)

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    1,017 jpower

    the community wants more. let's make more. (turning knobs)(twisting gears)(ordering workers)(giving generic builder 17 a raise) LETS GOOOOOOO

    8.8 years ago