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Squirrel Industries MAP MKII

39.2k Squirrel  8.7 years ago

So, a whole week behind schedule and finally... It is here... The map. It should be a big update. The only things that are actually the same are the islands themselves and even some of those are different. So what's different? Well, for those curious and want a look around before committing to download I have constructed a video, complete with narrating which goes through a few new features for the map. Those who like dry humour may get a smile out of this video too, but don't hold me to that, my jokes aren't exactly brilliant. Anyway, here's the video:

Exceptionally bad video link here

New Features:

  • 7x Destroyers
  • 7x AA Tanks
  • 3x Bridges
  • 2x Towns/Cities (if you can call them that)
  • 2x Aircraft Carriers (as stationary objects)
  • Improved runways
  • Improved traction
  • Improved off road location 1


Unfortunately, I'm having problems getting SimplePlanes to accept the mods for android devices for some reason. The files open the app when clicked on, but don't actually come up as a mod, so you can't enable it, but I'll make a separate post if I or anyone else can find a way around it.

Anyway, I've made two versions of this map, a normal version and a lite version. The lite version having less features, if you have problems running the normal map, resort to the lite one.

Normal Map Download

Lite Map Download Note: if you're downloading the lite version after downloading the normal one, you may need to delete the original file.

Also, special thanks to HellFireKoder and Andrew for helping me out with the coding. Without their help, this would literally not exist at all!

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    46.8k JMicah4

    how do you get your city to not fall through the ground???

    7.5 years ago
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    @Squirrel ;-; (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    8.4 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Noughties you can't use mods on iOS

    8.4 years ago
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    @Squirrel I'm using an iPad

    8.4 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Noughties what device are you using?

    8.5 years ago
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    It says I can't view the file ( ͡°╭╮ ͡°)

    8.5 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @CaesiciusPlanes ES-WB are planes with prop engines and no weapons except guns, bombs and unguided rockets. So no guided missiles or jets.

    Tanks and cars come under "TS"

    Helicopters come under "ES"

    Sorry for the late reply. Have been working on a project recently (still am) which has taken up a lot of my time.

    8.5 years ago
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    140k BaconEggs

    @Squirrel Definity! Had some fun with this

    8.5 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @BaconEggs No problem! Hope you enjoy the map!!

    8.5 years ago
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    140k BaconEggs

    @Squirrel Thanks, it worked!

    8.5 years ago
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    140k BaconEggs

    @Squirrel No, will try later.

    8.5 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @BaconEggs odd. That's never a problem I've come across... Have you tried manually putting the mod into the folder?

    8.5 years ago
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    140k BaconEggs

    @Squirrel No, PC.

    8.5 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @BaconEggs did you download it for android?

    8.5 years ago
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    140k BaconEggs

    Problems.. I can't seem to enable the mod via mod menu. Had the same problem with the normal and lite version.

    8.5 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @saturn28 it's on the main menu under something like sandbox maps. It's a separate map to the actual default one.

    8.5 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @saturn28 what do you mean?

    8.5 years ago
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    @Squirrel Thanks. I've already found it. When I'll repare my laptop, I'll begin making map.

    8.6 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @DimaKosheleFF sorry for the late reply. I was away for a while. There's a few tutorials on the internet on how to make them. I might do one myself at some point, but not for at least a month or two as I'm fairly busy at the moment.

    8.6 years ago
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    @Squirrel Can you tell how to make Map, or mod. I have some ideas about it

    8.6 years ago
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    9,650 jfriss

    what does he lite download do?

    8.7 years ago
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    @Squirrel Flanker would be perfect as a base, as for contacting the devs, you need to work on your self esteem.

    8.7 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Brields95 I'm going to change up the terrain a bit and see if I can come up with something a little bigger and better (the small islands have a denser amount of polygons and thus take up more resources). A proper road will be close to impossible although I might be able to do a small flat track of one description or another.
    As for the enemy base thing, I touched on it a little with "Flanker Airport" just to see if people liked the concept, although nobody really touched on it when they commented. However, since you've brought it up I think I might include it.
    It's been suggested that I should contact the devs about putting this map into the game, but, like before, I don't think it's good enough to be of such a status. I use a different bridge destroying script, which might be awkward to implement (especially if the devs want to keep things universal), there's also the texture sizes and stuff too and I'd rather not bother the devs about such things. There's also the fact that there's probably better maps out there and it would be doing them an injustice.

    8.7 years ago
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    @Squirrel Hmm I'd say keep the terain, develope the building models a bit, and take the NPVs (The fully aggressive ones) and give them a base to defend. I think it would be awesome if the devs could help you with that, perhaps encorporate it into the game as an island. The road that runs around your world needs to also be developed.

    8.7 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @PolandballDoge Radar is way out of my league XD

    8.7 years ago
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