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New Plane

442 MrNarwhal35  8.7 years ago

I'm working on a new strike/interceptor plane and will hopefully post it soon. The only problem is that so far I can only make it either have the agility of a rock or stability bad enough that you'll probably end up in the ground within a couple seconds. Anyways, if you have any ideas on how to fix either of these just comment.

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    @Tully2001 Alright, I'll try that, thanks

    8.7 years ago
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    @Tully2001 Yeah, I've tried that. My plane has a bit of a weird design in the sense that the CoL is behind the back landing gear. Ive fixed it so that its a bit closer up but the wings are also a weird shape so for some reason when the CoL is near the CoM it starts pulling up too quickly.

    8.7 years ago