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Suggestions For The New Update.

19.6k AwesomeDesign717  8.8 years ago

The new update (1.5, I think?) is not coming out any time soon. So I hope the Devs are open to new suggestions:)

  1. Damage By Guns- the damage caused by a single burst of Wing Gun/ Minigun fire is extremely. Maybe the Devs can have some parts easier to blow than others E.G Structrual Panels can take more bullets than wings.

  2. Water Effects For Mobile- the water in Mobile Version looks like sewage. I understand that If you add Dynamic Water, the game will lag, but please just upgrade the current water.

  3. Cockpit Diversity- There could be a bit more cockpits, E.G Cargo Cocpit, Bubble Canopy.

  4. Cockpit Interior- Maybe you could add a better interior, such as Joysticks and/or Yolks, buttons.

  5. Ship Parts- No explanation needed.

I congratulate the Devs for making SimplePlanes such a great game. And thanks to the Community for being kind and creative. This is one of the best online communities I've seen:)