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11.6k MechWARRIOR57  8.7 years ago

ok so i just saw a plane all it was is the helliska with a different nose and some weapons 27 downloads and 2 upvotes for not working hard at all i made a F-22 Raptor that i made and 7 downloads and 2 upvotes is this what you want me to just get a stock plane slap a few things on it and call it a day?

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    @MechWARRIOR57 well, if I looked deeper into my history then perhaps I could find THE gun... here we are.

    8.5 years ago
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    @ThatIsTheFreakiestGameOfWhackAMoleIveEverPlayed and saying idiot isn't swearing

    8.5 years ago
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    @ThatIsTheFreakiestGameOfWhackAMoleIveEverPlayed um ok.... ( Btw I don't remember the gun )

    8.5 years ago
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    Unfortunately I stumbled upon this post whilst looking for your XML modded gun that you had mentioned (the one requesting for a large wing gun and change its colours and the fire rate, if you do remember) and I know this post is from 2 months ago from now (2016/08/30), and if I were to speak about my opinion, in which I'd rather not but I must, I'm not trying to down anyone or sabotage anyone's reputation and all that, but what I'm trying to say is don't give in to failure, not that I'm saying you're nearing failure. So if anyone is going to object to what I said, or correct me, or whatever it is thy will do, then please do so, I won't retort or what not, and please, you may call me dumb or id**t, pardon me for swearing, for commenting or say "Dude, get over it, it's finished." or "Quit this site, ugh, you don't belong here.", I will be more than glad. Thank you.

    8.5 years ago
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    8.7 years ago
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    This is the weirdest comment section on the site.....

    8.7 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @MechWARRIOR57 I never said anything about banning anyone. Just to stop complaining about not getting upvotes. As for bad users, you should report them to mods like myself so we can investigate the matter. As a rule of thumb we have a strike system in place (there are exceptions), so the user will often be warned rather than banned anyway. However if they continue to behave badly, that's when the bans make an appearance.

    8.7 years ago
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    but also people like @SeraphimVault are very rude to low level people and never get touched but we do one little thing and BAM! we get temp-banned (minor exaggeration but you get the point)@Squirrel

    8.7 years ago
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    30.6k Warbrine

    @Squirrel sorry your right. My bad m8

    8.7 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @KingDeadshot If you feel like anything I've said is wrong, then correct me. I'm just listing my thoughts and feelings regarding what you've said.
    Regarding being messed up, I know what it's like to be messed up in the head. I've been like that for a while, seen a counsellor about certain things which I'd rather not disclose, but the trick (if you can call it that) is to read through what you've typed up. Ask yourself; is what I've typed selfish or petty? Does it disregard other users? Can people take this the wrong way? etc. Now, you're never going to get it right 100% of the time especially with the last one. People take things the wrong way all the time, after all, everyone's different.

    8.7 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @KingDeadshot Your first comments say:
    "It's a slow time in the community, Ive gotten 10- upvotes on a car I spent a week on, it's probably because a lot of people is dealing with real life and can't be on very much which is why it's slow @Warbrine @MechWARRIOR57"
    "Yep, I normally say upvotes and points don't matter but this is ridicules @MechWARRIOR57"
    "Im not sure what annoys me more, the fact people are upvoting crud like that, people only really care about the tops few users and don't give us as much respect, or that I work for a week on a car/plane and it only gets 5-9 upvotes on average @Warbrine @MechWARRIOR57"
    All of the above "first comments" suggest that not only you care too much about upvotes but, also that you also believe that the community owes you some kind of respect and it's not just this post where I've seen you mention respect. You frequently get well over 5 upvotes for each of your uploads. Meanwhile I've seen so many builds of comparable nature to yours which are lucky to even get one upvote. Moreover, you're of a platinum status and thus have herd mentality on your side, since people generally follow and upvote platinum builders. I don't know about you, but I'd consider that lucky.
    I'm sure you'll agree that it's somewhat hypocritical to say "upvotes and points don't matter" but then go onto complain about how your uploads only receive "5-9" upvotes.
    Now I'm not going to lie. Upvotes can matter. They give a very vague idea on what the community likes and doesn't like, but like I stated before, people really underestimate the value of comments and your posts prove that. Nowhere in any of the above have you stated that your posts lack comments about what people think about your uploads, good or bad.
    Now I'm by no means having a dig at you as a person. I've noticed you've tagged mods in comments of builds that have been copied, etc, which obviously does make this community a better place, which is obviously the outcome you want, so at heart you seem to have good intentions. However, when you post controversial stuff regarding upvotes and respect, it slightly poisons the community and makes others feel that they too are entitled to respect and lots of upvotes, even when they really aren't. This is made worse by the herd mentality that follows with you being a platinum member. People see a veteran user is posting controversial stuff, so they too think it must be acceptable to do so too.

    8.7 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    I'm don't normally like going into topics like this, but upvotes really don't matter. I'm not sure why people make a big fuss about them. It's just the opinion of someone. If someone likes something what's wrong with it? Similarly, if someone doesn't like something, what's wrong with that?
    Sometimes you just have to accept either one of the following:
    - You haven't uploaded at peak times
    - You're not a recognised user
    - Your expectations are too high
    Now, none of the above is a particularly good position to be in, but all of those problems can be remedied with time. Also pretty much all the mods collectively agree that upvotes determine nothing. Comments make the difference, comments are what matter. They're the key to improving your build quality as the community can get behind and tell you what's good and bad about your designs.
    Needless to say, it's somewhat disappointing to see people getting worked up over something so petty, to the point where even some people leave. Yet nobody mentions the lack of comments on builds. Now I'm not saying to go and type up a post of how people aren't commenting you your planes, but it would be a hell of a lot better than complaining about not getting enough upvote button clicks.
    Besides, with regard to the original post the ratio of uploads to downloads is significantly higher on the F-22. That should theoretically be something to be proud of. But somehow it isn't.

    8.7 years ago
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    30.6k Warbrine


    8.7 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat


    8.7 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat


    8.7 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat

    @Warbrine @Warbrine @Warbrine @Warbrine @Warbrine

    8.7 years ago
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    30.6k Warbrine

    @MechWARRIOR57 10 years lata xD

    8.7 years ago
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    8.7 years ago
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    30.6k Warbrine

    @Warbrine @warbrine @warbrine @warbrine

    8.7 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat

    @MechWARRIOR57 (^o^) YES

    8.7 years ago
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    30.6k Warbrine

    @MechWARRIOR57 let's go for over 9000 XD

    8.7 years ago
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    @MechWARRIOR57 @Warbrine and we hit 204!!!!!!!!!!@KingDeadshot @MikuKat @ILoveCheese @xxCheesehaterxx @KingDeadshot @Jetspeed1001

    8.7 years ago
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    30.6k Warbrine

    @MechWARRIOR57 idk

    8.7 years ago
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    what is happening anymore?@Warbrine

    8.7 years ago
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    30.6k Warbrine

    @KingDeadshot as im eating cheese XD

    8.7 years ago
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