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Glass cockpit+other ideas

42.4k Supercraft888  8.7 years ago

So recently I've been seeing a lot of things with a "glass" cockpit, so I thought it would be a good idea to have a colour style that says has glass, and the fuselage is now translucent. Also my new top 10 things for next update since this game is essentially simple Cars

10-customizable rims
Becuase we already have one style of rims and 3 styles of tires, why not have multiple styles of rims! I suggest maybe a spokes version with customizable number of spokes, or a futuristic one with lights

Yes I know it's ridiculous but I mean com on! Neon lights under cars would be so cool! I don't know how they would work but maybe under fuselage sections you could select how, and shape of a neon light, ummm thing

8-sizeable lights
The new lights are great but the size of them are TINY!!! We need bigger lights!

Nuff said

6-realistic damage
Still the planes fall apart like paper, can we make the planes a bit more durable?

5-a car race!
With new car updates, we need a car race! It's gotta happen

4-more specialized rotation
I see a lot of planes that use a fancy rotated fuselage to get a soecific shape but can we get an actual NON xml way if getting those nice rotated 45° blocks? Maybe it could work like in battleshipcraft with the rotatation screen in the corner

3-more wepons!
Becuase, well, WHY NOT!!! With so many people making tanks and stuff we should get a bigger gun like a 150mm cannon and maybe a bigger bomb like a boom 100 which would make a HUGE explosion akin to a nuke and maybe a small boom 10 that's really tiny but can be dropped in quick,rapid succession

2-able to print stuff on fuselages
I mean that would be great if there was a text box like entity that allowed us to write stuff that mounds to the shape of the fuselage

1-a town
I find it wired how there are 4!!! Airports in the middle of no where, can we at least get a small town in the bowl area, or somewhere? It doesn't even have to be nicely textured, just a small town with houses so that it give the whole game a sense of atmosphere

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    3,617 OwenWolf

    I think we need a decal menu. That would be perfect for people trying to make historically accurate airplanes. Maybe even design your outnumbered in this proposed menu!

    7.4 years ago
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    That is true@Supercraft888

    8.7 years ago
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    Yeah but the problem is that they are way to small

    8.7 years ago
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    You can make neon lights on cars if you just put the beacon lights under the car

    8.7 years ago
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    16.2k Mox

    @Supercraft888 mmhmm :/

    8.7 years ago
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    Why do you not like the idea

    8.7 years ago
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    Yeah, I'm afraid that people may put swear words on them

    8.7 years ago
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    16.2k Mox

    I agree with everything but 2.

    8.7 years ago
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    Oh, okay then, is mobile players don't have that

    8.7 years ago
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    30.6k Warbrine

    @Supercraft888 yes

    8.7 years ago
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    Mayware? Never heard of that island, is that on PC only?

    8.7 years ago
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    30.6k Warbrine

    They have a town on mayware

    8.7 years ago