Hello everyone.im back again to say that I am going to start making people airplanes! If you are looking for a good reliable aircraft or if you need a good airplane for missions then request one here. I am more than happy to make airplanes for the community. And I will update them every once in a while to fix problems, make improvements, add or remove features.
You can request any aircraft that you want. I will try my best to make your requested aircraft look and fly good. So if you have any airplanes that you want to request. Let me know. And I will make them for you in less than an hour. But building time depends on how big or small, how detailed the aircraft is. But don't worry about that.
Airplane Request.
808 Searay
8.4 years ago
@SalemASaberhagen your Piper Pawnee is is finished and ready for flight. I hope you enjoy.
@SalemASaberhagen not yet. Sorry it took me a while. I'm continuing to adjust the airplane so that it flys properly.
Is it finished? Im ready to pick it up
@SalemASaberhagen sure. If you want to request more airplanes let me know here.
Thanks @Searay
Diagram of a Piper Pawnee PA-25-235 C
@Salemasaberhagen Okay. Your requested airplane will be done within a few hours.
The Pawnee!
@SalemASaberhagen sure. Just message me the URL of the airplane with the specific paint job that you want and then ill get to work.
Piper Pawnee plz