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Hello friends.

680 xboxsparta321  8.7 years ago

Today I'm going to talk about help and support. I am delighted to say this is not a rant (sort of). I think it's overly kind to help a fellow player build their monstrosity. But the helper sometimes gives no credit at all to the original creator. That's what I have to say toward that topic. Now here's my real rant. STOP COPYING PLANES!!! SO MANY People Are Stealing Planes And Just Painting Them Claiming Them As Their Own The numbers have increased since I've started I know this. Something needs to be done about this. Really.i have an idea. When your uploading some one else's plane. It won't show on the forum. And a notification will be sent to the creator asking for permission if they allow. Then the plane will show. But in the description it will say the person who stole the planes writing than underneath in comic sans it will say "this plane has been given permission to be used"

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    315k Gestour

    I wasn't being sarcastic.
    I wish I knew what to tell you. I find it flattering when someone makes a successor to something I've built, as long as something has been changed. @xboxsparta321

    8.7 years ago
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    Sarcasm or realism. No it's not just my planes I haven't had them stolen (yet) but on every page I LOOCK on it has a stolen plane or 2 . And yes the paint job doesn't make a difference, it's still a stolen plane. @Gestour

    8.7 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    Just trying to help the fellow out. :)

    8.7 years ago
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    @Gestour lol

    8.7 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    So, you've had a lot of your planes stolen?
    The moderators did nothing to help resolve the issue?
    Is it really stealing if modifications have been made (even just a paint job), and the successor system hasn't been circumvented?

    Is everything else okay with you?
    Is there anything I can do to help make your day better?

    8.7 years ago