I have had huge success making this plane so far and i love how its coming out. the thing I hate about my plane is that it instantly stalls out after take off because the more accurate looking engines can't pull the plane along. I would love if you guys could help me find a way to maintain the exact same look but give it a real speed boost. So please check it out it has tons of features and I'm not even close to done with the decals. Thanks for your help!!!
Thats the link to your plane.
SWEET !! so are you going to post your version not because i can't download planes atm due to a bug in the game@ElGatoVolador
@FlyingNarwhal Iv fixed your plane, and to XML mod look it up on the forums, I have windows not OSX, its not that hard just a lot of reading.
thanks same here I now owe you one :D @jpower
@FlyingNarwhal Np dude. if you need something I will try to help.
how do I do that stuff
ik but I've really wanted a new style of intake it has nothing really to do with this i was just wondering and how do you XML mod by the way @ElGatoVolador
Thanks so much for trying really appreciate how kind this community is ! :D @jpower
@FlyingNarwhal I can increase the power of the engines with XML, no jet engines needed.
@FlyingNarwhal oh ok. still I can't really help in this but good luck :)
and is ti possible for you to make an engird that acts like an inlet like what i did for my Mig-9 @ElGatoVolador
no he is figuring out the game crashing thing not he plane @jpower
@FlyingNarwhal ok cool. he can do it :D
I'm getting help from Andrew Garrison who is trying to figure this bug out
yea that would be awesome but I have another issue to make things worse ... my game crashes whenever I try to paste anything into SimplePlanes
thanks tho and love the churchil GC@ElGatoVolador
@FlyingNarwhal I can XML
Thats how My B-2 bombers fly ... with a hidden jet engine
hmm I was hoping someone knew a way to hide a few inlets and still have the plane look good because then i could sneak some jets inside it @jpower
@FlyingNarwhal oh ok. then what you need is an XML modeler to give your engines a boost or something (idk).
no I can't tho its a replica and every thing checks out its the poor little engines that couldn't @jpower
DAT WEIGHT DOE. make sure that if your COM is behind your COL never EVER add weight to the front. always move the wings back. that way you get the same flight but with less weight. you might want to try that :)
o ok ill get that right now !!
dis link doe
we needs a link please :D