Hello SP players! I just got a RC plane today!!!!!!(The plane is a Horzion hobby Mini Appetence S) So I came here looking for tips/help on how to get me started!
Hello SP players! I just got a RC plane today!!!!!!(The plane is a Horzion hobby Mini Appetence S) So I came here looking for tips/help on how to get me started!
@Gg1234 Make a space dreadnaught, that has it's place In my fictional universe.
@Mudkip What??? I am staying! My time isn't over quite yet. (PS: Mudkip is my fav pokemon) :)
Goodbye Gg1234, I will miss you.
thanks also for the upvote on my SpeedDemon@Gg1234
@TheGamingChicken507 Thanks for the upvote and good luck too!
Thanks for the upvote Gg1234 on my UP-175 Guinea pig.i upvoted your RC plane help!?! and good luck with your Creations
@Gg1234 Great! Look up the F-4u corsair on horizonHobby. Thats one of the many I fly. I used to fly a duet. If you have other aircraft, post some more photos of them!
@traindude48 It was $229.99. Here is the link to buy it
@traindude48 iPhone 6 😞 Probably should get a better camera
I would have had more flying photos but my friend only took one no blurry picture when the plane was flying 😒
@NyanCatPlanes @traindude48 @Gestour @MasterMindIndustries Here are 2 photos of the plane (The one with the thumbs up is to prove it is me and that I did not just find the photos) Photo 1 / Photo 2
@NyanCatPlanes Yeah I think it would be a good idea to not take the pictures myself well flying 😆
@MasterMindIndustries Flying RC planes is a little harder than helis. Unless you fly big scale helis, like me.
@Gg1234 Good to know! Excited to see them! Don't take them while you're flying... Ask someone else to take them.
@MasterMindIndustries @NyanCatPlanes @Gestour Thank you all so much for your tips! I can't wait to try tomorrow! (Will post pictures tomorrow)
Always put the controller on easy mode, if a beginner. Follow all the instructions. I learned that the hard way. Also, on your first flights until you get comfortable, fly above grass. Not pavement. I'm a 5 year pilot. Flying since I was 7.
Over controlling is the most common mistake, use the smallest movements of the controller as you can. keep track of the orientation, it can be slightly confusing at a distance, and prepare yourself emotionally for a crash, because you will crash, it's part of the deal, but it'll be okay! :)
Have fun
@Gg1234 i only have experience with helicopter.... i only imagine its partially the same with planes
@MasterMindIndustries Amazing tip I just tried it and crashed into a dirt mound breaking the propeller! (Jk)
umm... ummmmmm.... UMMMMMMMM.............. start slowly and speed up as time passes