Now that there are cars and a great area in the proving grounds, I thought I would host a rock crawling challenge!!! No modding, not even for aesthetics. How will it be graded?
?/10 for looks
?/15 for overall handling
?/25 for the percentage of the proving grounds course it can complete divided by 4.
Good luck to you all.
Make sure you link in the comments and let me know if you are participating. I need at least 5 participants to make it a good competition. Reward will be determined.
Ends July 4th!
That's fine. @BlueCobraplanes
Only one entry??? @Delphinus @JMicah4 @JDM
OK. Will do. I have a few ideas... @Generalkeath
Na. I'm going to use my trophy truck next time I'll make a crawler.
You should have there onece a month or 2
Or maybe make one specifically for this. @Generalkeath
Which ever one you think looks, handles, and performs best. @Generalkeath
Monster trucks Spenton is terrible but can climb @bspboy
No problem in don't realy care if I win or not,and yes I'm going to enter @bspboy
Try your trophy truck or monster truck. They look like they could do well. @Generalkeath
I'm in!
Are you still going to enter? And, no offense, I was looking for a more experienced player. @Generalkeath
K thanks I'll help judge, can I judge looks / design
I would like it if only non participants were to help judge, and only 1 design is allowed. @Generalkeath
Who all has car to participate in this
If I help judge can I still be in the comp and can I have 2 cars?
I just like the challenge of figuring it out with what I have. I just think it wouldn't be as fair. Even though you can find them, you can't fine tune the parts to how you need them like someone who mods could. Participate or don't. Just no modding. @Shmexysmpilot
@bspboy I'm on iOS, but nothing I make is stock by a long shot. At this point you can basically find any modded part you need somewhere
Ok. Will do. Do you know anyone? @Delphinus
Ok then. I just thought it would be good to have someone else, because I think the same thing about myself. @Delphinus
Would you like to help out in judging? @Delphinus
Because everything I make is stock. I can't mod so I think it is unfair if modding is allowed for others that can't or don't know how. @Shmexysmpilot
You can use trophy trucks as long as you think it will do well. @Generalkeath
I can't decide witch trucks don't want to use
Just wondering if I could