I just deleted a plane by accident and didn't realise it, because I accidentally overwrited the save with some other project...
I have been pressing undo for the past 5 mins and cannot get back to the original save is thee a way to restore the save?
@LatentImage colonel commented on this... He said 'you defiantly need it'
Lol, nope but I think I can still re make it, it was a suspension system I was working on, @KnightOfAraluen
This is pretty obcious, but you didnt by chance upload it at all, did you?
There could be a chance that there's an undo stored in the [Name].XML.BAK and the game isn't reading it, but I wouldn't know how to recover that
Can't you decrease/increase lift on wings? @Gestour
An hours not bad! It was a good experiment. @PlanesOfOld
Can you mod by any chance? Cause I need a wing that can create downforce... @Gestour
This was just about an hours worth of me messing around with suspension and ending up building a realy cool car thing..... @Gestour
I've done it myself! What I do now is I have 3 save files for anything I'm working on. One as the main copy, one to work on, and a backup of the one I'm working on that's only a few steps removed at most. Just in case something goes wrong. I try to save every few minutes, or few parts.
I lost 10 hours of work once because I wasn't thinking.
Oh **... Excuse my French... I guess it's an excuse to come up with a better design lol....@Gestour
It's gone!