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How do i make fuselage parts into wings?

286 Helios2pro  8.7 years ago

I see this alot, but how do they do it?

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    Ok thx@TheRubyArmy1134 @TheRubyArmy1134

    8.7 years ago
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    You can put fuselage blocks covering wings easily, just drag the fuselage onto the wing and it will attach. You can cover the wing with the fuselage if you do a ton of resizing and stuff.

    8.7 years ago
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    Does it take long?@DisferGoatz

    8.7 years ago
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    16.1k DisferGoatz

    I do it myself. The way is first put a fuselage at a 0.5 (or anything under 0.75) and run it until you want it the way you want. Then put your wing behind the fuselage and there.

    8.7 years ago