Just asking, however, I am currently looking for it thanks to this map!
I will post an update if it is on mobile.
EDIT: It has been 8.7 years since posting this. I am amazed people still comment
Just asking, however, I am currently looking for it thanks to this map!
I will post an update if it is on mobile.
EDIT: It has been 8.7 years since posting this. I am amazed people still comment
You can get the maywar for Android mod
If you’re looking for maywar (sorry for off topic) it doesn’t exist on mobile
@su57felon10 but was the the time set stormy or did you hear sounds with it ??? Or did it come out. ???????
@Boeing727200F Depends What Alttitute you fly Your Plane
@BajaMotors I have flown out there many times in different aircraft and times and that was the only time it happened, I think whoever made the code for the kraken forgot to remove some code from it when making the game for mobile
@Boeing727200F If the Sky turns Dark When Its daytime, Your Near the kraken
@blackvultureaeroespace on mobile?
@su57felon10 same here. I was flying a bomber and the sky went dark idk why. I am also on mobile. I flew for a while and nothing……
@EpicBullDog dayum bro
It isn't on mobile, deal with it.
I think Kraken is on mobile because one time I was playing SimplePlanes on mobile and I was using a seaplane and doing tricks with it I was pretty far from Krakabloa and the sky started to turn dark but not as dark as night. It looked like a storm.
@TheCommunistPotatoe overload
@Allan000 noted
Well I'm doing now a research flight to the kraken,(I'm using a de Havilland comet as plane for the flight) but I have 2 minutes I didn't find even a single sign that I'm flying over it (ex. randomly changing weather preset from clear to stormy by itself) well I'm doing this on midnight. Imma get sleep I'm resume this tomorrow
I’m confused now because I’ve looked at a few maps an Maywar is no bigger than Snow Storm or
What modded weapons did you use?
I have I think
iPad is mobile
It dosn’t Work on iOS and android 😪
I can’t find it either same with the “maywar”
Why? @Patton2
You can find the karaken by following a row of islands at the left of bandit while on final aproach.
@Windymango its a desert with pyramids.
What is Maywar like?