In this challenge i will be picking 6 different creations u must have a good fontrolable creation that is nice looking fast and unique if i can get 2 upvotes by july 26th and the creations are due then also the 6 winners will have to build another vehical or one of there own already created i will then pick 2 and the last 2 people will tell me why they think they should win the winner will get an upvote and a free gift card for Amazon or google for 50 dollars and all the braging rights please jojn the challenge and just have fun mods and devs please feel free to join and have fun i will love alll of the creations and try my best to make a decision pleawe start now and end by jully 26th
contact me for more information and questions if needed
My favorite 6
77 Benton
8.6 years ago
If u want to talk from now on talk under my m4 post
I mean u do not hqve to upvote but i neee upvites u will get he money in 1 month when i get my paycheck ok
Everyone thqt was in the 6 will get 25 dollars if they all upvote i upfoted all of u
The 6 pweople i picked were 6 and 2 of the 6nwould be at the finalmthe other 4bwould not be included anmore and the 2nwould compet viper
Master mind u did not win
No viper u won
i won? so I'm the first out of six? @Benton
Because Whoever is in second gets the money @Benton
U and viper get to help me with my new plane and u guys get to have ur planes showcased in a YouTube video
The contest is over
Since I'm one of the six I enter my dagger jet
U aee in second
U are in second place viper is in first
U gys won now tell me why umshould be first
@SHCow @Viper28
U are 1 of the 6
U are 1 of the 6
2 more spots
U are 1 of he 6@TimothyWong
U are 1 of the 6
Ok guys can i get 2 or 3 more up votes if i van get 2 100 up votes imwill know this is worth it
My Cessna 195 Float
And the winner gets to help me with the best airplane ever
I hqve a new announcement i do not have a giift card i thaught i had money but u will recive 25 dollars on the 2nd of august
My Vi-F-152