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Alternate WWII: At least 30 to ride

41.5k MrVaultech  8.7 years ago

Okay, so telling of the title, you could probably guess that we still don't have enough people active. So far only 21 people have checked in of 100, I want at least 30 people to check in/join before I create another official part. Now, when we do hit that 30 active, I'll upload the part the day we get that amount.
But until then, we're gonna have some more stuff written by me! Enjoy...

London, England, June 1st, 1951
Private First Class Steven Tremblay

Through the window I went, smashing out the remaining fragments of glass, and into my uniform.
I landed on my back in the streets next to a burnt out car.
Shots rang out behind me. I pulled myself up quickly, then ran behind the car.
I pulled my M1 close to me, then peeked over the car through the window.
I saw a soldier run across the room inside. I grabbed a frag from my pocket, pulled the pin, and flicked off the spoon.
I over handed it from my position straight into the room from the window.
A loud explosion followed seconds later.
I took the time to pull out my bayonet, and attach it to my rifle.
When it was attached, I rushed over the car to the wall with the window.
I peered in to see two bodies lying on the ground. I pulled my head back, and pressed myself against the wall.
I head a hum of an engine off in the distance. I turned to the sound.
Down the road was a tank. I couldn't identify it, but it was coming this way.
I looked back through the window, then back at the tank. I thought...
I decided. I began getting a hold on the frame, then pulled myself in. The two soldiers were German, two kills to add to my name.
I reached for my bayonet, and pulled it off my rifle.
I pulled my helmet off. The helmet was covered in long scratches, all signifying a kill. I found a spot where I left off, then scratched two more lines with my knife.
I finished up, then returned everything to its spots.
The tank finally made it to the window. I walked up to the window. I was unfamiliar with it, but it bore the German Swastika on its side. It slowly drove past, then around a corner, out of sight. I rested easy then.
I rested for a half hour, then artillery rang out off in the distance.
I looked out the window, seeing nothing new.
I went back to where I was resting when a massive explosion of dust, smoke and rubble slammed into me. I collapsed to the ground, pieces of wood landing on me.
I pushed myself up, knocking wood over that fell on me. My ears... my ears. I took my hand to one, then felt a liquid run down my finger. I put my hand in front of me, seeing my fingertips coated in a crimson red.
I pulled up to my feet. I felt light headed, and weak, my vision blured. I was stumbling around the rubble, attempting to reach the road.
My foot caught on rubble, sending me to the hard asphalt. The impact didn't help my current situation.
I pulled myself up again, then stumbled around the road, trying to find something to grasp. I could feel vibrations in the ground. I looked around frantically for the source. I peered a tank. It's shape looked familiar.
I stumbled towards it. A shaped popped out from the top of it. I waved my hands in front of me. The vibrations slowed. I still couldn't hear anything. The shape jumped, I think, off the tank, and walked towards me. A man approached me, he looked ragged, probably not like me...
His mouth moved, but I couldn't hear anything.
I tried speaking, but I just couldn't hear anything. He looked back towards the tank, then back towards me. He took my shoulder and led me towards the tank. He stopped, then looked suddenly down the road.
He ran back to the tank, then the tank, drove forward down the road, I followed where it was going; the tank from earlier.
It fired at the allied tank, detonating it, sending the turret flying into the second story of a building next to me. I collapsed, in pain, confusion, fear.
Everything was falling down around me...

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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @MrVaultech link

    8.7 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @MrVaultech I imagine the war ending like this:

    After the German rebellion overthrew hitler and created the New German Republic, a treaty was signed between the Allied and Axis powers, which agreed that the two sides would stop fighting, redraw the European borders, and create a organization called the United Nations to work out all current problems and all problems in the future, to prevent another world war

    8.7 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    I'll put it into consideration.

    8.7 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @MrVaultech I worked / am working hard to build planes for project overload, I would appreciate if project overload puts a big dent in nazi germany

    8.7 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    We'll (Me mostly) work it out.

    8.7 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    Ok @MrVaultech but make sure to include this massave attack on Western Europe

    8.7 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Let's hold off on RP attack/invasion stuff until tomorrow

    8.7 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @MikuKat too late

    8.7 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat

    @Bluerobot11 Don't even try...

    8.7 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @MrVaultech project Overkill Starts Today

    8.7 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @MrVaultech the allied strike starts today; over 50,0000 fighter aircraft, 10,000 bomber aircraft (with or without Nukes) and 100,000 ground troops deployed from allied counties. atack name? Project Overkill

    8.7 years ago
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    Give 'em heck, @MikuKat.

    8.7 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    If you wish.

    8.7 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat

    Okay... @MrVaultech

    8.7 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Yeah, let's hold off on the nukes for the moment until I get a new part up

    8.7 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat

    @MrVaultech @DragonAerotech There, nukes

    8.7 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    No one has built one yet.

    8.7 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Yeah, I am, but I gotta wait for people.

    8.7 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Yeah, sorry, I'm really tired currently, but I saw it.

    8.7 years ago
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    @MikuKat My thoughts exactly... Here I was expecting a story that didn't result in glow in the dark countries in the aftermath. Considering that the Germans were closer to completing the A-Bomb than the US, prior to the destruction of their research facility in Norway in true history, by '47 they most assuredly would have had them. Even if that were deemed untrue, this is a quote from Wiki; "During the war, Germany stockpiled tabun, sarin, and soman but refrained from their use on the battlefield. In total, Germany produced about 78,000 tons of chemical weapons." Delivery devices included; 105 mm and 150 mm artillery shells, a 250 kg bomb and a 150 mm rocket. Hitler had to be talked out of using them against the allies for fear that they had developed their own neurotoxins when in fact they had not. An air burst of Sarin gas or Tabun gas, via bomb delivery, could kill tens to hundreds of thousands depending on population density. Sarin is described as being 26 times more deadly than cyanide. Soman is both more lethal and more persistent than sarin or tabun.

    8.7 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @MrVaultech why are you ignoring me

    8.7 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @MrVaultech did you here what the US is planing, also here is a fix to the b-34

    8.7 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat

    @MrVaultech Nukes? .......

    8.7 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    I'm gonna have to work out the nuke, and set some harsh (not North Korea harsh) standards on its usage.

    8.7 years ago
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    @ErvenDynamics Well, if that's the case, I think I'll take this opportunity to bow out of the RP myself. No mini-guns, no modding engines but oh - we can have nukes! Brilliant. Thanks anyway, @MrVaultech I hope you get to finish your' story. Shame the Finnish will be not there to see it~ lol No hard feelings, just don't feel like seeing this end through WMDs.

    8.7 years ago
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