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Meaning of dev or mod

264 planedesigner0804  8.7 years ago

What does it mean when next to the player's name it says mod or dev?
thx for answering me quickly.

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    5,078 MikuKat

    Dev:A Developer who helps create and update the game
    Mod:Moderators that patrol the site, Break Arguments. Remove Rule breaking content. Etc

    8.7 years ago
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    8.7 years ago
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    A dev is one of the developers of the game. A mod stops arguments, and bans people if necessary, they are kind of like the police of Simpleplanes

    8.7 years ago
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    Mod means moderator, and they are in charge of keeping the peace. Dev means developer, and they work on updates for the game and stuff like that.

    8.7 years ago