Alright, list of people who have left from my bare minimum of knowledge since the 22nd of december 2015.
Hypnotoad - Left before I joined.
ccooper - User I actually liked, his builds were fun.
swat132 - Saw his planes once or twice and while I was browsing around on the user page saw him a few times. Didn't exactly know him.
DestinyAviation - Left.
Who's next, better not be EternalDarkness, even If I can't upload ships anymore for him to give me feedback and tips on.
Do not upvote this.
Preparing hate shield.
@Benkelmans yep no plans on leaving any time soon
I upvoted it because I'm a rebel lol, I don't plan on leaving any time soon, things might slow down for me on SP because since school is out and it's summer and the weather is more nice than in the winter and there is no snow on the runways I'll be doing more flying so that's why things will slow down for me on SP other than that I don't plan on leaving any time soon, and plus if I were to leave (we all will eventually) I'll keep my account on the site so none of my planes get deleted as well, but that won't be any time soon.
@KingDeadshot no, they made an alt account to tell some people stuff
@General360 Alrighty then lemme change this.
@General360 Says otherwise
Thug life
@General360 lol
@EvilTortoise nvm wrong person
@Himynameiswalrus IFalco?
Do you mean IFalco?