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This site is grounding itself

36 Lance2274  8.7 years ago

Look, I didn't care about the weaslezone, jelly or Entak invasions. Quite frankly I am subbed to all of them and I am a big fan. Like yeah it was being spammed and that's the only reason I cared.
But now we have people quitting everywhere. Cooper was bullied and deleted his account then you have people all crazy about points then deleting their account because they don't have enough. There are some dumb and some good reasons to quit. To the people who harass others on their creations, I say this from the bottom of my heart, go ** yourselves. Your only along it worse. The only accept ion is if you have soiled evidence and a good reason too, like copying others planes. That's it I'm done with the the bullies and haters. I'm done with the copiers of planes that had hours or days of effort put into them. That's just my say in the situation.

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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Could you please just stop posting this ****? It's been dealt accordingly already. So if you don't mind, delete this, you're only continuing to the spam that is "grounding the site"

    8.7 years ago