I'm going to be taking a semi break for a few weeks. I will still be online, but I will absolutely not be visiting the absolute train wreck we call the forums. That place is a [censor] zoo. I doubt I will be uploading, as I will be building my new PC in the near future, so yeah. Thought I should tell you guys, because I don't want to just go dormant on you guys. There is no community like this one. It's just that right now it's upside down, on fire and falling apart. See you later.
I wouldn't let any of that bother you, it's just a few people with a little bit of hysteria, don't fall into their trap, Everything is fine here! @JacobHardy64
I deleted the other one too. It wasn't necessary. @Gestour
I did. Then I saw the forums and decided I'm not going to get involved with all this drama. My life is dramatic enough, and I come here to forget about that. Seems to follow me. @Gestour
I see that, but just a little bit ago you had posted about something you had built. Am I wrong?
What happened! @JacobHardy64
I'm avoiding the forums and taking a break until all the drama blows over @Gestour
What just happened?