It seems like Jundroo has adjusted the coloring module. The old way to create sub-colors is now unavailable (Adjust a color in custom and switch to an integrated color combination eg. Blue Angel and that part will have a somewhat twisted color which you cannot get through the default color pad.) My Death Bomber's ghostly grey-ish blue color on the wings has faded. It has now become an ordinary light-grey color. The new settings are confusing me...
@AndrewGarrison @PhillipTarpley @JoeySellers @NathanMikeska @WeeBabySeamus PLEASE FIX!
@UnknownNate You mean... If you kept a part like that in sub-assemblies before the update it will be still usable?
I noticed the color shift too. Now I can only get the colors I want via XML modding my custom color palette.