I'm very sad ccooper left. He was a great builder, he made nice replicas. But now his account is deleted, and we have no more access to his creations. However, I know some of us still have some of his planes. I have some in my game. So the question is, should we upload these planes? Like reviving artifacts? ccooper left because he dislikes hateful speech towards him. Now we can separate ccooper and his planes. No more arguments about points, they will now solely be SP creations. Those planes mean much to to this community, being milestones, so it can be good to archive them. But on the other hand, perhaps ccooper wanted to completely disappear, leaving nothing behind him (I don't know about his detail thoughts, I think this is a rather small possibility though), so we should respect his choice and stop talking about him and his planes. I have thought about these facets. And what's your idea, archive or not?
@Aarons123 He is always on the hottest! Check him out, zed is ccooper no doubt, confirmed by dev.
@JackAlpha26 Is he ACTUALLY back?!?!
@JackAlpha26 ccooper is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Aarons123 ccooper is now back. He is back as zed. He is making new planes and he does not want the old ones anymore.
@JackAlpha26 please upload his planes! The devs and mods won't care
@DisferGoatz Thanks for your comment. It helps me get a clue towards this.
I don't think you should, unless you make changes to the original.
Sadly impossible now
@Squirrel @Skua @Seeras