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Help with cars!

0 h4xCentral  8.7 years ago

Could anyone post a tutorial on how to make a detailed car and its chassis? Thanks!

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    17.8k jsaret

    @h4xCentral no, just keep one part of the big block so you can remember how tall it needs to be.

    8.7 years ago
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    @jsaret do I put the .25 version under the big one and put the wheels there?

    8.7 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @h4xCentral grab a bunch of big square fuselages and resize and add until you have a box the same size (as per "airplane properties" tab as the car you want to make measures in real life.

    Then make a .25 tall version of it, that is the right width and length.
    Pick the place for the wheels.
    Cut out slots for them.
    Then start building the body.

    8.7 years ago
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    What's a good starting point?@jsaret

    8.7 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    I don't do tutorials, nor do I do chassis. Take a look at my stuff to see what I can do. More than happy to give advice and thoughts on stuff you post.

    8.7 years ago