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Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: New Problems, New Conflicts

17.2k GoldenEagle  8.7 years ago

New Problems, New Conflicts
Some of the True GLA branches were destroyed by Persia, and the Great African Empire still has the Group's Secondary Splinter Cell, and all of them were destroyed by Auruna in South America, but the primary target of the True GLA was the NFK because of what they did to their predecessors in Africa and Middle East, so they set up bases inside the borders of the NFK, In North America a part of Auruna seceded to form the New Republic of America, and then, they went to war with Auruna by destroying their military bases, but they did not take any equipment of some sort, they only use old American equipment from the Great World War of 2018, in Russia, the Siberian territory seceded to form the Siberian Soviet Republic and proceeded to take the unwanted territory in Russia from the Civil War, In South America, Argentina surrendered due to lack of manpower and resources to continue fighting, a treaty was signed by Auruna, Argentina and Slavic Enclave that the Southern Lands of Argentina will be given to the Slavic Enclave, and Argentina will become a Sattelite state of Auruna, and the Slavic Enclave got back their land by being purchased by Auruna from Ukraine...

Date: March 2085
Notable Events: War between Auruny and NRA (2085-present/ongoing), Defeat of Argentina (2084), Slavic-Aurun Land Purchase (2083), War on Terror (2082-present/ongoing)


Treaty of Veratun
Between Auruna/Slavic Enclave and Argentina
1) Argentina will give their southern lands to the Slavic Enclave
2) Argentina will have to pay 4.5 Million AN$ to Auruna and Slavic Enclave
3) Argentina will be a Sattelite State of Auruna
4) All Fascist leaders and members will be excecuted
5) The Slavic Enclave and Auruna will provide defense for the new Argentina

How to join:
Simply comment what faction you want to join or make a new one, and what government type, and what color and capital
If you are the first to join a faction then you will be the primary faction leader

New Factions: The ones in the [] are government types
Auruna (light blue) [Democratic Republic] {Slavic Union, UGS}
Capital: Veratun
Faction Leader: SkrillEclipse
Members: flyingdj, TheToyMaker, JohnMSmith
Territories: East Auruna, Republic of Sals

Awwam (Green)[Caliphate] {NRNW/UGS}
Capital: Jakarta
Faction Leader: dzulfikar, MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation(2nd in command)
Members: , exosuit, Djbanana, RMark1, Dart

Russia (Red)[Socialist Republic]{Slavic Union}
Capital: New Moscow
Faction Leader: TemDesBur

NFK (Pink)[Republic] {NRNW}
Capital: Hamhung
Faction Leader: PINK
Territories: SAI(silver), NSE(purple), NNS(turquoise), NTD(dark blue), Atlantis(Dark Grey)

Territory of Poland (Light Green)[Territory]{NFK}
Capital: Shamzfung
Faction Leader: PolandballDoge

(NRNW capital: Hamhung)

Republic of East Auruna (Blue)[Territorial Republic]{Auruna}
Capital: East Marakva
Faction Leader:

New Republic of Ukraine (Maroon)[Reformed Republic]
Capital: New Moskyev
Faction Leader:

Xerox Republic of Allied Diversities (Orange)[Constitutional Republic, Militant]
Capital: Cozumel
Faction Leader: HarperAstrionics
Members: AviariusAeroSpace

United Territories of Bulgaria (Brown)[Communist]
Capital: Sofia
Faction Leader: Jackie

Republic of Brazil (Gold)[Reformed Republic]
Capital: Sao Paolo
Faction Leader: CzarLuminoid

The Communist Republic of Great Columbia (Blue-Violet) [Communist] {UGS}
Capital: Guayaquil
Faction Leader: Dredex
Territories: EC, PE, CO

Autonomous Region of Indonesia (Awwam)
De Facto Capital: Jakarta
Faction Leader: redbear89

Great African Empire (Light Grey) [Closed Democracy]
Capital: Halfanung
Faction Leader: LeHoneyBadger

Territory of Japan (Tan) [Territory] {NFK}
Capital: Tokyo
Faction Leader: MikuKat

Pilotmario Republic(Dark Blue) [Democratic Socialist] {NRNW}
Capital: Rodmantown
Faction Leader: Pilotmario

Argentina(Golden Brown)[Sattelite Republic]{Auruna}
Capital: Buenos Aires
Faction Leader:

Republic of Great Britain(Dark Red)[Republic]
Capital: London
Faction Leader: CaesiciusPlanes

Slavic Enclave (Yellow)[Communist]{Slavic Union}
Capital: New Maipu
Faction Leader: JakeTheDogg

Republic of Sals(Purple)[Republic]{Auruna}
Capital: Xvianfan
Faction Leader: SimpleTechAndResearch

Republic of Raiderlin(Light Purple)[Republic]
Faction Leader: Raiderlin

Great Persian Caliphate (Dark green)[Caliphate]{Awwam}
Capital: Makkah
Faction leader: MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation
Territory: all awwam-controlled middle east

True GLA (Bright Orange)[Sultanate]
Capital: N/A
Faction Leader:

Siberian Soviet Republic (Bright Red)[Communist]
Capital: Mrakatovy
Faction Leader:

New Republic of America(Pale Yellow)[Anarchy]
Capital: Orlando
Faction Leader:

Nadathul Ulama(green yellow)[caliphate]{awwam}
capital: somalia
faction leader: Djbanana
territory: all awwam-controled african

League Of Phanalax (Light Red) [Republic]

Palestinian Royal Empire (Black)[Empire Under Caliphate]{Persia}
Capital: Jerusalem
Faction Leader: Persian Caliphate

Hacker Groups Classified (None)[Group]{UWP}
Leader: WSC


You will only have 3 alliances
I can kick out factions that are too OP
Make your own units, be real or fictional
No tech stealing (allowed to trade tech)
No unit copies
Never backstab your allies (unless you have been oppressed and fell like you have been betrayed)
Alliances can only have 2 to 10 countries
No bad language (pls no)
And no taking other's creations and making them as yours (unless friendly trade)

Roleplay by SkrillEclipse(Me) and dzulfikar (Fellow Comrade)
If you guys want a kik chat, pls let me know...

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    66.0k Otana

    @AverroesIndustries Why are you anti-Iranian? We are not Arabs to have a caliph, we have a president.

    3.2 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario Now deal with the PL.

    8.5 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    Shot it down.

    Lasers. @Mudkip

    8.5 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @LeHoneyBadger @Pilotmario The New York ICBM has hit North America.

    8.5 years ago
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    @Mudkip The Jatarka, Tokyo. Halfunung. and all others literally failed

    8.5 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Mudkip After the GWW2, we have a non-intervention policy, nor will make inter-tangling alliances.

    But I shall engage them when they strike us.

    8.5 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @LeHoneyBadger And the Garudan Empire is helping them, this is the end!

    8.5 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario Deal with the New PL scrubs please.

    8.5 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    I'm detecting ICBM's headed for the following cities:
    New York
    And New Veratun
    @GoldenEagle @LeHoneyBadger

    8.5 years ago
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    8.5 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @LeHoneyBadger What the...
    There are:
    And now the new PL against Japan!?

    To the UPNW CHAT!!!

    8.5 years ago
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    @GoldenEagle Welp, theyre back. GLA Split to form the Polish
    Primary Target and only:Japan

    8.5 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @LeHoneyBadger yep

    8.5 years ago
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    Wasn't this the episode where I first mentioned the Polish Liberators?

    8.5 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    This is terrible we need to stop that ICBM asap@SimpleTechAndResearch @Polandball2

    8.7 years ago
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    @GoldenEagle uhhh more ICBMS just landed on my capital

    8.7 years ago
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    16.6k dzulfiqar

    @GoldenEagle the new RP?!

    8.7 years ago
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    16.6k dzulfiqar

    @exosuit i know

    8.7 years ago
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    I sadly have bad news
    PL Took over RoP
    Factory's and WMDS+ICBMS Are back online and launching
    And the GAE forces got pushed back

    8.7 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    @dzulfikar i made a ECM Support plane ready for assignment

    8.7 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat

    @LeHoneyBadger Yeah.....
    @WSC A hacker group?? Well this Rp Is gonna be interesting

    8.7 years ago
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    0 WSC

    @PINK You would've faced destruction if it wasn't for us

    8.7 years ago
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    @PINK Do you realise we saved Japan from Pure destruction?

    8.7 years ago
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    8.7 years ago
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    @PINK PL is communist and wants Independence from the NFK
    RoP does too but not in an aggresive way

    8.7 years ago
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