this is a big idea and will probably be considered in the next 2-3 updates. so don't get your hopes high.
basically, any vehicle you make based on parts/weight/drag/speed will be given/graded tiers. and for this. users will be aware of what they're downloading. its crucial if community improvement is required then this will be the ultimate solution. I imagine there should be upto 10 tiers. with the 10enth being the largest of all classes/tiers and being the most detailed/functional. this will also grade user experience which can be used in a survey of any kind, ( demographics/intelligence wise). I think to propose this idea and to actually implement it will be a huge boost to the game development and will certainly expand vehicle creativity. I'm sure you all understand. we would also have a separate voting/permission section of the site to judge user creations before getting sent ( greenlight cough cough ) we would use a model to judge airplane properties also. this would honestly vastly increase community size and attract more customers for the marketing. make the price larger and more will come which will result in more profit $$$
To help and increase community morale and make its environment more helpful towards newcomers. it can also support a bigger community of builders to make this game's platform far more larger than what it is today. this would also allow game price increasing by a few more dollars and sales would be way more common so more profit=more development=more ideas=more profit! $$$$$$$$
this will be integrated into the site and into the game. under AIRPLANE PROPERTIES in the designer menu/comment below whatever ideas you think could be added to improve this post or just your opinon.
@TimothyWong basically. Second cover for grading planes. It would be awesome!
@Ihatelava123 wow that sucks. regardless its for the majority and not the minority so of this increases profit its what's needed for game development
@Useinglasseshomework why share this screenshot?
@Useinglasseshomework tiers. not tires.
@Ihatelava123 it wouldn't. you know why? because top tier users don't get any benefits. this is actually a chance for lower level users to have light shed on their builds @AeroEngineering it not developed with the idea in mind. but it can be put in place and used. which will vastly react to create a better game
@AndrewGarrison @WeeBabySeamus @NathanMienska
I don't agree with this idea, but I'd like to see a devs opinion on this system.
I just don't believe that this game is designed around a tier sytstem, so one wouldn't fit it well
@Mox ill tag the devs?
@Mox yes. mobile users cant get a ten so there will be a separate class for them. users will have the choice to differentiate the build class. PC Or Mobile? if they choose Mobile the engine will remodel the points and eventually give a number on the scale. which in part the top number will 5 to 0.5. also
an example is :
another one : something like this < would get a 15 on the scale. SOMETHING LIKE GETTING A 15 WOULD BE CRAZY!
another one :
all this could ALSO be decided by the community like the steam greenlight. something to keep the community clean before ANYTHING Get sent to the site for viewing/downloading. there are many measures we can take for this advanced system
Then mobile users could never get a ten
You simply don't understand...
@Mox btw 10 on the scale will have minimum 1200 parts
@Mox im going to be honest. a ton of parts ALWAYS means detail. seriously! look at 1000+ Builds. why the hell do they have so many parts? because of detail. not because of its base model/ and base model of ANY creation will have atleast 300 parts which will hit a 4 on the scale.
@MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation part count doesn't mean detail. You could have a plane that's huge, with a ton of parts, just because of size. It could have 0 detail but it would register as a 10 because of just part count. Also calculating speed isn't as simple as that.
calculating weight against drag against engine output. this would work even for xml modded engines @Mox
@Mox PARTS! top speed will be determined by a complex engine!
How would the game sense how detailed a plane is? Or it's top speed?
how? @Mox
Umm no. It is completely unreliable
thx @airomod