Hi guys i am working on a costum map this is what i have! (take every island as the same size of a normal one)!! Its 4 island grouped together to make one perfect play ground!
Link to photo: http://i.imgur.com/wUvrEvz.png
I have ONE problem though..... SPAWN POINTS?!?!
Yes i dont know how to do that i did every thing right accoording to a tutorial i found on YT but it doesnt work thats why i dont have any ingame screen shots yet :C
If someone could help!! :C
~cleverchesy~ (srry for bad english!)
@Bucket oohh yes i should!
@CleverchesyTM you should add a track for cars.
@WNP78 soryy?
@CleverchesyTM ahem language.....
@WNP78 i did i all did that and yet it still fucks up
@CleverchesyTM I find it helpful to right click on the start location>3D objects>Cube.
This way you can see where the start location is. Also remember to check the 'default location' box on the location
I saw that picture.
What is the elevation of the start location specifically. On the y axis?
Select just the start, and show me what the inspector says.
@Gestour it does xD : http://imgur.com/UbrTTzW : its all in there man
Can you upload a picture of the info on the start location in the inspector?
Btw the link you sent me didn't work.
@Gestour http://imgur.com/UbrTTzW i dunno maybe this is more usefull :C
@WNP78 http://imgur.com/UbrTTzW you can zoom in on the photo by clicking on it :D
You have all the parts below the map object in the hierarchy? @CleverchesyTM
@WNP78 on it!
@Gestour i did al of that but the problem is it doesnt even load in my map... just 1 meter aboove the water in the middle of no were??!?! i have every thing set and reddy like it should be its just not working!!
@Gestour i did al of that but the problem is it doesnt even load in my map... just 1 meter aboove the water in the middle of no were??!?! i have every thing set and reddy like it should be its just not working!!
My guess is you just have it too low, it should be a couple meters above the ground. Even just a little too low, and it starts in the water.
Be sure the spawn point is included under the "Simple planes map", on the tree. Make the the elevation above the ground, click the box in the inspector "start on ground", and then save the object.
clickable link
@AndrewGarrison @HellFireKoder
If you could make a screenshot of the object heirachy (the bit on the left) that would be helpful. Make sure the groups are expanded so I can see them.
@Gestour i made a spawnpoint set the location on the third island just how i wanted it dragged it over to defualt sawnpoint but when i load up the map Theres oly water
and not my island :C
What's your issue with spawn points?
@Tully2001 O__O @SpiritusRaptor
@Tully2001 who is the highest O__O