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16.1k DisferGoatz  8.6 years ago

So today my parents are letting me go on a biplane for a scenic trip around a lighthouse and beach. It is a UBF-7 biplane trainer. Unfortunately I cannot provide pictures because the company does not allow mobile phones on the plane, and my phone is the only camera source I have. Anyways, I will be on one, and I will tell you how it went! Also, I'm not gonna build the UBF-7.
See ya!

Here's how it was:
So we took off from the Cape Fear Regional airport and headed straight for the beach ahead. He took a turn over so we could see the people as well as a marina and small pools. We then flew over the water and over Bald Head Island. We then circled back to Oak Island and looked at what was once the worlds second brightest lighthouse, and then our pilot took a real steep turn and headed back to the airport. We then had a nice soft landing.