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Well, uhm... I've got another, unrelated issue.

7,322 OtterOfToast  8.7 years ago

Okay, I've exhausted every one of my resources aside from the geniuses here in SimplePlanes.

Recently, I bought Fallout: New Vegas and Call of Duty II from a thrift shop! FINALLY I had found two games I had been searching for, in CD form, for a very long time (because I don't have any real way to buy these on PC-- long story), and I open the cases at home.

First off, let me note the store would NOT let me check the cases before I took them out of the store. Stupid rule, but it was a rule.

I get home, open the cases. Fallout: New Vegas first, it's a Steam only download. I can't bypass it which is stupid, but I input the code anyway. It's been taken. I go through support to perhaps trade something in or work something out to where I can play my game. I have proof I have it AND the disk. No dice.

Then, I try CoD II. Big mistake. Disk one of six is missing. It's so painfully close, it actually hurts. I go through Activision support. They can't help me with second-hand purchases, apparently.

I can't play either game for really arbitrary reasons, so does anyone know where I can get this issue fixed?
I will NOT pirate, I will NOT forge or steal. I need a legitimate way to get this fixed.

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    7,322 OtterOfToast

    @KnightOfAraluen Aye, thank you. I'm not bummed, but y'know- it is a little disappointing. I also got Wing Commander I and II with all expansions--- they're floppy disks so maybe I could send them to Accursed Farms or like-- sell them on Ebay to a collector?

    8.7 years ago
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    @OtterOfToast The only good way to get New Vegas is from Amazon. You can get it brand new, and the ultimate edition for 10-15 dollars. Sorry that you cant buy things online, but it really is the best way. I am assuming cod 2 is big red one. That is an old game, and the only good way to get it is online. Sorry. They arent amazing games, so dont be too bumbed out. I own, and have completed both. Fallout 3 is a better game imo. Less bugs, more and better content. You should be able to get Fallout 3 from a retail store. And if you can, Fallout 4 is even better than that. It is expensive though.

    8.7 years ago
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    @OtterOfToast I mean. pirating is stealing. so no pirating!

    8.7 years ago
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    Go back to the store and make hell for them. also post a review on yelp.

    8.7 years ago
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    7,322 OtterOfToast

    @KnightOfAraluen I can't buy anything online and no retail stores have them... Guess I should just forget about it, eh?

    @MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation I'd rather die than pirate.

    8.7 years ago
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    you WILL need to pirate. but don't. that's the only way but its good you don't pirate. please don't

    8.7 years ago
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    If you can, go back to the thrift shop. I wouldnt buy games from there if they dont let you check them. Get the games from walmart, target, or maybe gamestop. If you can, downloading them from steam is a very reliable source.

    8.7 years ago