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Mod request for a wing gun

409 Grylix  8.6 years ago

I've been looking for one for a while now. I need a wing gun twice the normal size, slow firing, long range and capable of destroying ships in two to three shots. I know it's very specific, but i really want to finish my battleship and i hope i can find someone who can help me. Thanks!

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    What I would do is go into mods, enable overload and then go into the airplane editor. Once there, hover your cursor (or click, I’m on mobile so just do what you do to bring up all of the options like rotate) there will be a new button. If your on computer and its not there, just look up how to access the overload editor. Once your there at the top there will be a drop down menu that says part. Click on it and select gun. Then change the settings to look like this
    ammoCount 200
    burstCount 1
    timeBetweenBursts 0.001
    muzzleVelocity 800
    roundsPerSecond 1
    spread 0
    activation group 8
    damage 1E+38
    To make it bigger, I would put it in a fuselage tube with just the tip poking out. Hope this helps

    4.9 years ago