Okay, I'm pretty bad at names, and I now many of you guys are really creative at them. Here's a sneak peek on what I'm gonna upload next, but what should I name it? It's still a work in progress. This like the sister plane of my Marauder Bomber.
Also, I'm getting a dog and the same question is applied, what should I name her/him? XD
And yes, I play on the lowest settings. :)
@Thefalloutplayr I know you're just giving an advice dude. It's just the way you worded it.
Brown Beast or Dirty Dan.
@MikuKat @Thefalloutplayr here
@MikuKat @Thefalloutplayr I took his criticism positively (though he sounded a dbag), I made the cockpit a little bet better, but I'm not perfect so it's not the coolest thing out there.
@Thefalloutplayr Let's see you try making it in 5 minutes then.
@Thefalloutplayr it's a "work in progress" and aren't you gold too? And sorry for not reaching the standards.
The Globe Sculptor
Dorntak asp
No idea son
For the dog i would say..nikki
Kinda looks like a a Cylon Raider with a tail...
for the aircraft - the Balverine
the doggy - Fenrir
The AH-38 Bavarium
Hmmm given the beefy look of it, I'd say the bulldog. As for the dog, I'd say shadow (if it's a black dog)
@Shmexysmpilot you know what, Bad Processor sounds cool lol
Name it bad processor you low settings scum! Lol jk jk but maybe like the prowler or the assailant?
I always play in low setting
@Sutairs lololol
@Sutairs okay
@MechWARRIOR57 I think I'll name the dog with that! lol
@Gmanndo1000 Rex is a pretty good dog name
@Himynameiswalrus yup, I'm basing it on my take on a WH40k build this
The flying poo