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What sould I make next?

3,602 Darthsecrol  8.6 years ago

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    315k Gestour

    So those 36 airplanes was it? That's the full range of your imagination?
    Nothing more at all to be had in your head?
    I think your selling yourself short. Or your trying too hard.

    maybe watch some shows you like, or some documentaries, and look for cool stuff that inspires you, and make a list!

    Or, just make another F-86, that's a cool plane. sure a hundred people have already built it, but it's an idea.

    8.6 years ago
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    3,602 Darthsecrol

    @Gestour no, what I mean is I don't have any more ideas

    8.6 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    Make a list that you can carry around with you, to write your ideas on when you come up with them, so you don't forget.

    You should just make what you want to make, and not concern yourself with what you think others want you to make.

    8.6 years ago