I thought it would be fun to learn the meaning/reasoning behind your username. First, me. Rangers Apprentice being one of my favorite book series, I came up with my username. Araluen is a kingdom in Rangers Apprentice, and home to most of the main characters.
Well, I got my user from the name of this website.. lol...
i hope to never change my name
@Peridot I'm rather fond of his renditions of Mele Kalikimaka and White Christmas.
@Peridot 80's rock. My favorite song is either Its my life-Bong Jovi, or Highway to Hell-ACDC
It's my username for most everything. I used to work at Disneyland at the Jungle Cruise (a boat ride where us "Skippers" would tell bad jokes while giving tours of the jungle) and I sound quite like Bing Crosby over the PA system, so the nickname was born.
@KnightOfAraluen not saturn rockets
my name doesn't really have a meaning. it just seems cool
I used a random no number name generator and got YummyBaconStrips 4 years ago. Unfortunately that name was taken on literally everything... So I changed it to YummyBaconStripz with a z. I used it for 3 days on this site (it's still on my first ever jet). Then my friend told me BaconAircrafts is more appropriate for this.
@KnightOfAraluen You know ever since I started simpleplanes, I haven't been too active on the channel. I started a year ago.
When I was a kid I watched a show called metajets and the squadron leader of the evil fighter jets was named viper
Well have been using this name for close to 15yrs or so. Played a lot of racing games back in the day and being i am a automotive tech in real life it just seemed to fit. The spelling was just make it seem unique;)
@JetboyInc I remember that forum post, and your old name. How is the youtube channel going?
The reason it's jet is because I loved jets since I was 2 1/2 years old.
I created this account 4 and a half months ago. I basically copied my YouTube account name and got jetboy6412. I then created a forum about 3 weeks ago and got my name JetboyInc.
@GINGER01 Good luck. At my school, we dont need to try out, but there wasnt many people. There was me and one other 1st trumpet. 2 3rd trumpets. 2 2nd trumpets. We had a couple trombones, a couple clarinets, an alto sax, and a barry sax. And I cant forget the drummer. we also had 3 flutes.
@ElGatoVolador I believe it was a funk style piece.
@GINGER01 yea you spelled it right, gordo means fat.
@KnightOfAraluen nice. I tried out for an alto spot but sadly I didn't make the cut. But there's always next year.
@GINGER01 I was in the middle school jazz band, but now I will be going into the highschool jazz band.
My username started back when I first joined Warthunder 3 years ago, it was just my real name with some numbers thrown in, I had that username for around a year and I decided to change it to MrGoldWolf and I had that for about 3 to 4 months before I made the final name change to MrSilverWolf around a year and a half ago.
@KnightOfAraluen I haven't read them in a while, so I've forgotten
@ElGatoVolador in jazz band I played a song called election taro gordo. Not sure if I spelt the last word right.
@LoneWolfEnterprises It was pretty good, but not my favorite. I actually dont know what my favorite one is.
@UnknownNate well I'm a ginger but I'm a twin and I'm the older twin so that is the origin of the 1.
Watched Looney Tunes when mad account