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Military Factions [SUGGESTION]

1,429 Kuiper  8.7 years ago

Could we possibly have factions on the Website? I know that there already are made up factions but i think it should be something we can implment for wars. I think with factions we should be able to 'buy' machines from other people who are allied with you, you would buy it with an economy that is similar to points but you can lose and gain it, you cant gain the money from upvotes, only market and possibly donations. What do you think? It might be too complicated to implament into the website but i think it would he an awesome feature. Thanks,


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    1,429 Kuiper

    Yah but its just a concept, and thanks! @MikuKat

    8.7 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat

    A lot needs to be changed to make it fair for new users but I guess so

    8.7 years ago