I do have time at home, but not for the whole day. This place I'm going to is called "Camp 75", and it is basically backyard bible clubs for 75 minutes. Tomorrow, I have one in the morning and 2 at night. That's only.. what 3 hours 45 minutes there? That goes on for a week. So I can build and upload planes, but with the limited time, I won't be able to build planes as much.
Oh, I thought camp 75 was out of a alien horror movie.
@BenkelmansMadScientist Nope. No sleep there, but yes, I do have a god.
Thats ok, life doesn't always cooperate @BaconEggs
@Flightsonic @BenkelmansMadScientist @CaesiciusPlanes @Kuiper @MrSilverWolf @ForeverPie