I'm making a rally car. and its based on the Imperator RS (by MediocrePlanes)) but I'm trying to make it more Rally-like so I need suggestions! here are its pictures
any ideas?
EDIT : New images/Improvements
Front with Different colour scheme and improved engine! and bumper!
Under the Car suspension front side
Engine top!
Special Connected suspension look
EDIT : NewImages/More improvements/ many changes
The new front with a exterior roll cage. I will change the front bumper though to some rods. NOTE that this is without height increasement and that VTOL is down
the back. I removed the mufflers and I want to add new ones. I also connect the tail lights. here you can see the end of the exterior roll cage being attached to the back
The front with the suspension raised causing it to jump! looks sweet!
back of the car about to flip! this has VTOL up so the suspension is raised.
@Solarisaircraft I know roll cages are supposed to be inside... I just wanted to make it like those cars with exterior cages
They're supposed to be INSIDE the car. Trust me, I am a rally fan, and I know a lot.@MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation
@Solarisaircraft the ones from the front till the back?? Roll cage of course!
What are those poles on the top of the car?
@JMicah4 yep :)
A major improvement
@MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation Jet turbofan+Bigger turbofan=5000mph
@Stampede probably will make those the mufflers. but 10k horsepower only gets this to 150 MPH XD
@MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation put in some hidden rocket boosters
@traindude48 YOUR POINTS ARE 8888!!!
@traindude48 thx ^_^
@Stampede nah
@MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation spin spin
@Stampede pump?
@Supercraft888 check it out!
@MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation does da engine pump?
@JMicah4 @Stampede @TheNightmare check it out!
@goboygo1 @traindude48 @Tully2001 check it out!
@Shmexysmpilot @Solarisaircraft @LuKorp check it out!
@MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation Yeah that kind of thing
@Solarisaircraft yep
Yeah what Shmexypilot said was what I meant.@MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation
@Shmexysmpilot ah a wide body kit. you mean extending its flares and such yeah?
@MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation No. I mean a wide-body body modification. It just means the panels around the tires are usually extended here is an example of a normal car and here is the same car with a wide-body kit (it's not a rally kit but you get the gist)