Okay, so I bet your all wondering why I brought you here...
Well, I'm going on a vacation this Friday to Galveston. The house that my family is renting (from what I know) probably doesn't have WiFi, so yeah, that's gonna make things interesting.
I do have 4G, but usage of that'll be limited. I'll still upload the Monday RP, but until next Thursday, I won't be able to check every comment and plane uploaded, so for the next week keep things a little slower than usual, okay? That's just my recommendation, but you guys can do what you want.
Update: made it to the house, the family is settled in fairly well. This house has a nice view of an ocean oil rig...
Make sure to cover the allied invasion, yes it started, and currently the allies have taken lots of France with the element of surprise
Understood... Wait for my next creation... A tank