Challenge is to make as aesthetically-pleasing a plane or vehicle as you can with no XML parts or editing allowed, except for unbreakable wings and only nudge/rotate with Fine Tuner. Challenge ends on July 31st, and announcing winners on August 1st! Have fun!
1st: 10 upvotes
2nd: 5 upvotes
3rd: 2 upvotes
Everyone else gets an upvote for participation, and thanks if you do participate!
And post links to your planes in the comments!
@Nickasaurus ok
@Spikerya but... The find tuner as a whole is allowed yes? Why not say that people can only nudge and rotate parts with it?
I would like to enter with this ^L^
@Nickasaurus @KCferrari lol forgot to mention that
@Nickasaurus @KCferrari depends on what you want to fine tune
@KCferrari I agree. Defeats the purpose but I want stop him.
I think.
All of my planes don't use xml
I would like to enter this
What's the point of a no xml challenge if you allow fine tuner...? so... no xml, but you can use xml? Fine tuner changes engine power and allows rescaling and all that stuff, which defeats the entire purpose. This is literally a challenge to just make a regular plane, of which there's thousands of.
@Nickasaurus ok
@jfriss allowed
can you rotate fuselsage pieces?
Ok I might began underdog but soon I'm gonna release something pretty cool
@Spikerya okay!
@BaconEggs @TrainDude @AviownCorp @SteadfastContracting the vehicle does not have to work, just look cool, but bonus points if it does work
I might try.
@BaconEggs allowed
What about Fine Tuner mod?