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Just stop with news stories.

5,940 Mudkip  8.2 years ago

You know news stories don't belong here, but on social media. Well, I was searching the forums today when I was hit in the face with posts about the events in Turkey and France.
And this was my reaction:

That should not be here. They are news stories, and people like to be on here to stay away from recent events, and they should not see posts about them. They are the kind that belongs on Facebook, Twitter, and many other social sites. If you do this, leave. Leave the site immediately.

Lesson learned, don't post news stories here.

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    314k Gestour

    I understand, there are a couple people here that rub me the wrong way because of their past behavior. @Johndfg

    8.2 years ago
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    87.2k Johndfg

    @Gestour Lol yea... He was/is a pretty regular poster of hate and spam comments, so maybe I'm just baised

    8.2 years ago
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    314k Gestour

    His stuff doesn't bother me at all. He's just having fun I think.
    Now if he catches a case of the cancer, watch out!

    8.2 years ago
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    87.2k Johndfg

    @MediocrePlanes Probably a good idea. I think a better way to search for forum posts and planes would be nice

    8.2 years ago
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    87.2k Johndfg

    @Gestour Check his forum posts >:(
    Notice the number of them with stupid info, obvious info, spam posts, posts with less than 2 sentences, etc.
    Makes me mad

    8.2 years ago
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    314k Gestour

    No, who? :) @Johndfg

    8.2 years ago
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    314k Gestour

    I don't envy you.
    I look forward to some sort of change!
    Off topic posts belong on twitter.


    8.2 years ago
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    I actually prefer the tags, as digging through all 4,532 reported planes is rather tiring.

    8.2 years ago
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    87.2k Johndfg

    @MediocrePlanes I feel for you, about half of all forum posts are spam. I can't imagine having to dig through the forum posts every day. I would love a report button, so people wouldn't have to tag mods for every one.

    8.2 years ago
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    @Gestour @Johndfg

    Imagine having to moderate this :(
    Latent's biggest wish is a forum refresh.
    I have to say, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE.

    8.2 years ago
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    87.2k Johndfg

    @Gestour A particular user posts 3 forum posts EVERY DAY. ALL OF THEM ARE SPAM. You know who it is?

    8.2 years ago
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    314k Gestour

    Most of the time I find them rather entertaining. That particular post angers me though.

    8.2 years ago
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    87.2k Johndfg

    @Gestour the forums here suck honestly. Hoping for a fix when the website is updated

    8.2 years ago
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    Heck, most I'd do is aircraft related (Boeing's 100th birthday, as a example.)

    8.2 years ago
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    314k Gestour

    It's so irritating!

    8.2 years ago
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    87.2k Johndfg

    @Gestour Ooh wow.

    8.2 years ago
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    314k Gestour


    8.2 years ago
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    87.2k Johndfg

    @Gestour What?

    8.2 years ago
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    314k Gestour

    I prefer the news over fake cancer any day!

    8.2 years ago