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Basic Flying Wing *Tutorial*

41.5k MrVaultech  8.6 years ago

Okay, so this is a first for me...
The reason the "*" are there is because of the fact that the way I do it may not be the best, and might be the worst in reality. So, with that said, let's do this...
(Also, note, I'm using HellFireKoder's fine tuner mod for this(sorry IOS))

Step 1- Cockpit.
You're gonna want a cockpit for your plane, so choose anyone. For this one I'm gonna have a historic cockpit.

Step 2- Fuselage.
Get a fuselage, then turn it to where... hmm... let the image explain how to orient it...

Step 3- Edit said fuselage
Edit the fuselage to your preferred size. I'll do it to a width of 5 and height of 2. I'd nudged it up to hide the base of the cockpit.

Step 4- Circular
On the fuselage, change the edges to Circular in its settings. This makes the shape of the wing. Also, I changed the length of the fuselage to 1 instead of 2.

Step 5- Wings
In this step, this is how I do the wings, you don't have to follow it exactly, but it comes out beat for me. Let the image show what I mean. First wing is structural, while the second wing is a primary wing. Since primary wings are so weak, I make them small, and keep them close to the center of the plane.

Step 6- Wings 2
This part is where you cover the wings with fuselage. For this part, you'll need the mod mentioned above. For this, I place a fuselage over the wings by clicking "Add section" were the option to change the edges are. After that, open the mod menu, then click "Scale tool". Open that, then change the length to somewhere between 1.01 and infinite( but something manageable). You can stretch it multiple times if needed. It's okay if the wings poke out, just change either the fuselage "wing", or the actual wings.

Part 7- Repeat
Repeat step 6 as many times as you can if you want, or make it as short as you want. It's your choice.
Part 8- Wings 3
For this, you'll need to use the nudge tool in the mod menu. To move the COL behind the COM, you will need to nudge several structural wings into the center of the fake wings. I recommend copying the Y coordinates of the fake wing, and pasting it in the Y of the fuselage after you place it down.

Step 9- Mirror
To mirror, well, you should know how to do that, but when you do, the fuselage wing won't connect, so you'll have to manually reconnect every fuselage wing on part opposite of the mirrored half.
Step 10- Wings 4
For elevators, you should place them near the ends of the wing, or you can add a extension off the back for an elevator. If you chose the first option, then copy the instructions from part 8.

(Basic extension for elevators)
Step 11- Vertical stabilizer
For this step, you need the mod, and go to "Stretch tool". Change every option in X Y and Z somewhere between 0.99 and infinite as long as it's a decimal. Do this until you can't see the stabilizer.
Step 12- Engines
For this, choose an engine. It's recommended to choose a jet engine J90 and up, but you can use a prop for a slower flying wing. For this, im gonna use a J90. After you pick, place it over where you want it, specifically on the front of the craft. Copy the Y coordinates of the fake wing, then paste it into the Y coordinates of the engine. It should move to the center of the wing now.

After that, you can do the same with fuselage blocks to make it transition better into the wing.
Step 13- Tweaking
Now that this is finished, try to fly it after checking COL/COM to adjust it.
Step 14- You did it! You made a basic flying wing! Now celebrate by... well... what ever you do!

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    2,125 GuevanGroup

    oh ok thx man

    2.0 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Wing surface as in the overall size of the primary wings. What you have looks to not provide enough lift fof the size of the plane, so just stick a large wing in there without ant control surfaces so it doesnt mess with the wings already there.

    2.0 years ago
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    2,125 GuevanGroup

    what weird physics?

    2.0 years ago
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    2,125 GuevanGroup

    and wich version do you check

    2.0 years ago
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    2,125 GuevanGroup

    @MrVaultech what wing surface?, do you men the control surfaces? i made it as wide as possible without making the plane looks so bad so i tried to find a way.

    2.0 years ago
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    2,125 GuevanGroup

    @MrVaultech oh i know now, thanks for the help Mr vault

    2.0 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Sorry about the delay, I don't check the website very frequently.
    So I tried downloading your plane and it has a mod thats pretty irrelevant since fuselage slicing was added, I wasn't able to test fly it because of that fuselage bomb bay mod so I can't exactly see what this "bending forward" problem is.
    Edit: after connecting the pieces together with the connection editor so it doesnt fall apart, it seems that your rear gear are too far forward so the tail collides with the ground and causes weird physics. Not to mention you've got very little wing surface and small elevators for such a heavy aircraft so that would really need to be improved.

    2.0 years ago
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    2,125 GuevanGroup
    there we go

    2.0 years ago
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    2,125 GuevanGroup

    oh shit i forgot about the roll control surfaces

    2.0 years ago
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    2,125 GuevanGroup

    can you fix my plane?
    there is something that makes my plane keeps bending forward

    here it is

    2.0 years ago
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    2,125 GuevanGroup

    well umm i just joined like a year ago and completeley don't understand at first but i ll try thanks

    2.0 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    I currently have no plans to remake or remaster this tutorial. My priortities are working on various AFVs that are all linked on my bio.
    Though when it comes to yaw problems, just make a very large rudder piece with no control surfaces and then scale it down until its almost impossible to see before nudging it into the airframe. It greatly helps with yaw performance. Roll on the other hand, the ailerons really should be on the outermost edges of the wing, and as long as the flying wing isnt terribly wide then control surfaces that cover maybe the outer quarter of the wing should be more than enough. If not, then just nudge several wings with roll control inside each other or make one really big wing and scale it down so it fits inside the wing shape youd like.

    2.0 years ago
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    2,125 GuevanGroup

    its real pain when the problems come, sometimes its the pitch or the yaw problem

    can you make a new one?

    2.0 years ago
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    2,125 GuevanGroup


    2.0 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    They hadnt worked for years because of a bug with links from Imgur. I dont plan on fixing it because of how grossly outdated this tutorial is.

    2.0 years ago
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    2,125 GuevanGroup

    no image

    2.0 years ago
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    15.0k ChamDel78

    When you said For this step, you need the mod, and go to "Stretch tool“, do you mean Fine tuner?

    2.5 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Um, no probs or something.

    5.7 years ago
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    5.7 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Well, it's a kinda WIP guide...

    8.5 years ago
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    2,129 SPCWorkshops

    All I did was the cockpit switch so the fuselage pieces wouldn't register as placed

    8.5 years ago
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    2,129 SPCWorkshops

    @MrVaultech and surprisingly I did this tutorial 100% on iOS. But I don't know how to add screenshots

    8.5 years ago
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    2,129 SPCWorkshops

    @MrVaultech not me I'm just recording it

    8.5 years ago
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    2,129 SPCWorkshops

    @MrVaultech lol master coder working on breaking iOS's no mod attachment in the files

    8.5 years ago
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    2,470 Smasher

    @MrVaultech I think its so heavy but I have to give it a lot of bombs

    8.5 years ago
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